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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language
From ACM Careers

Washington Lawmakers Want Computer Science to Count as Foreign Language

Two Washington state legislators have recently introduced a bill that would allow computer science class (e.g., programming) to effectively count as a foreign language...

Look Into My Eyes: Tracking Your Gaze Could Be the Next Big Gaming Input
From ACM News

Look Into My Eyes: Tracking Your Gaze Could Be the Next Big Gaming Input

The bulk of the press release announcing a March 10 release for the PC port of Assassin's Creed Rogue is strictly boilerplate.

Don't Call Them 'utility' Rules: The Fcc's Net Neutrality Regime, Explained
From ACM News

Don't Call Them 'utility' Rules: The Fcc's Net Neutrality Regime, Explained

Within a few weeks we’ll have a huge document full of legalese on the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules, to replace the near-200-page ...

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console
From ACM Opinion

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console

Even if you're a devoted fan of video games, there's a decent chance you're not familiar with the name Ralph H. Baer.

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision
From ACM Opinion

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision

"We found that people were searching for squirrels just to favorite them, just to click 'like.' And the same with buses."

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?
From ACM News

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?

Cutting-edge research still universally involves Fortran; a trio of challengers wants in.

One Arrow of Time to Rule Them All?
From ACM News

One Arrow of Time to Rule Them All?

Time is something we're all very aware of.

Beyond Gaming, the Vr Boom Is Everywhere—from Classrooms to Therapy Couches
From ACM News

Beyond Gaming, the Vr Boom Is Everywhere—from Classrooms to Therapy Couches

When Oculus almost single-handedly revived the idea of virtual reality from its '90s vaporware grave, it chose the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo as the place...

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car
From ACM News

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car

Self-driving AI cars have been a staple in popular culture for some time—any child of the 1980s will fondly remember both the Autobots and Knight Rider's KITT—but...

Time Dilation Measured at 40 Percent of the Speed of Light—in the Lab
From ACM News

Time Dilation Measured at 40 Percent of the Speed of Light—in the Lab

Einstein is most famous for general relativity, which is really a theory of gravity.

Air Force Research: How to ­se Social Media to Control People Like Drones
From ACM News

Air Force Research: How to ­se Social Media to Control People Like Drones

Facebook isn't the only organization conducting research into how attitudes are affected by social media.

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States
From ACM News

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States

The RAM in our computers is constantly refreshed to ensure that it maintains the intended information.

Quantum State May Be a Real Thing
From ACM News

Quantum State May Be a Real Thing

At the very heart of quantum mechanics lies a monster waiting to consume unwary minds.

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?
From ACM News

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?

Take a tour through the research laboratories at any university physics department or national lab, and much of what you will see defines "cutting edge."

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat
From ACM News

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat

When does an online threat become worthy of criminal prosecution?

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers
From ACM News

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers

There's been a lot of buzz about robots lately.

Scientists Re-Weigh the Electron, Get More Precise Mass
From ACM News

Scientists Re-Weigh the Electron, Get More Precise Mass

Ernest Rutherford, pioneer in studying the world inside atoms, famously remarked that all science is either physics or stamp collecting.

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom
From ACM News

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom

Can scientists image the motion of electrons inside atoms?
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