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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorAssociated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Study Finds Seniors Benefit from Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

Study Finds Seniors Benefit from Virtual Reality

A study of virtual reality involving 245 participants aged between 65 and 103 found generally positive effects.

U.S. Announces $5 Billion Commitment for Computer Chip R&D
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Announces $5 Billion Commitment for Computer Chip R&D

The Biden administration announced that it would invest $5 billion in the National Semiconductor Technology Center.

Bionic Prostheses Empower Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

Bionic Prostheses Empower Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers

About 20,000 Ukrainians have had amputations since the war with Russia started in February 2022. Some were able to receive bionic prostheses.

Scientists Turn Invasive Carp into Traitors
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Turn Invasive Carp into Traitors

Agencies are using "traitors" to find hotspot hideouts of invasive carp that are threatening the Great Lakes.

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet
From ACM TechNews

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet

Hearing-impaired football players could benefit from a prototype helmet that provides visual displays of plays.
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