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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorBBC News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tech Industry Holds Closed Door Talks on Open Internet
From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Holds Closed Door Talks on Open Internet

The Information Technology Industry Council, representing leading technology industry firms, recently held a closed-door meeting to discuss the future of the open...

Virtual Reality Tackles Tough Questions
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Tackles Tough Questions

Virtual reality is allowing scientists to ask difficult questions about human behaviour that were previously not possible or were thought too unethical.

From ACM News

Wikileaks Encryption ­se Offers 'legal Challenge'

A novel use of encryption by whistle-blowing website Wikileaks could "challenge the legal system for years to come," according to an influential observer of the...

How the Internet Is Changing Language
From ACM News

How the Internet Is Changing Language

"To Google" has become a universally understood verb, and many countries are developing their own Internet slang. But is the Web changing language, and is everyone...

Cult of Less: Living Out of a Hard Drive
From ACM News

Cult of Less: Living Out of a Hard Drive

Many have begun trading in CD, DVD, and book collections for digital music, movies, and e-books. But this trend in digital technology is now influencing some...

 ­.S. Military to Attack Moore's Law for Future Computers
From ACM News

­.S. Military to Attack Moore's Law for Future Computers

Computers that can perform a quintillion calculations per second are being planned by the U.S. military.

Web Attack Knows Where You Live
From ACM News

Web Attack Knows Where You Live

One visit to a booby-trapped Web site could direct attackers to a person's home, a security expert has shown.

From ACM News

Snapshot of Global Internet Speeds Revealed

A report based on analysis of huge amounts of net traffic has revealed the state of the Internet around the globe.

From ACM News

Over 5 Billion Mobile Phone Connections Worldwide

More than a billion mobile phone connections have been added to the global tally in just 18 months, according to Wireless Intelligence.

From ACM News

Google in 'new Approach' on China

Until recently, the firm automatically redirected Chinese users to its unfiltered search site in Hong Kong to get round censorship issues. Google has said it will...

Cyber-War a Growing Threat Warn Experts
From ACM News

Cyber-War a Growing Threat Warn Experts

In 2007, Estonia was the subject of a series of cyber attacks which crippled the Internet across the country. Banks, government departments and the national media...

From ACM News

Technology Milestone Heralds a More Secure Internet

Moves to make the web's address system more secure will take a major step forward next month. In the planning for a decade, the Domain Name System Security Extentions...

How to Cope When the World Can Watch Everything You Do
From ACM News

How to Cope When the World Can Watch Everything You Do

In 1968, pop artist Andy Warhol declared that in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes. As with many other predictions, it has not quite turned...

Defence Lab Reveals ­ltimate CCTV
From ACM TechNews

Defence Lab Reveals ­ltimate CCTV

The United Kingdom's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory is developing high-resolution imaging technology for a surveillance systems that can recognize and...

Technology Linked to Happiness, Study Claims
From ACM TechNews

Technology Linked to Happiness, Study Claims

A recent Chartered Institute for IT worldwide survey found there are positive links between access to technology and feelings of well-being. Access to communication...

Internet Approaches Addressing Limit
From ACM News

Internet Approaches Addressing Limit

Experts say that the net's entire existing address space will be exhausted about a year after that date. A newer scheme is being rolled out but many firms and countries...

Robot-Inflicted Injuries Studied
From ACM TechNews

Robot-Inflicted Injuries Studied

German researchers have developed a prototype safety system that would reduce the injuries of humans working alongside robots using household tools. 

'historic' Day as First Non-Latin Web Addresses Go Live
From ACM News

'historic' Day as First Non-Latin Web Addresses Go Live

Arab nations are leading a "historic" charge to make the world wide web live up to its name. Net regulator Icann has switched on a system that allows full web addresses...

Facebook v Google for Web Control
From ACM News

Facebook v Google for Web Control

Mark Zuckerberg will soon hit the ripe old age of 26. And despite his youth, he clearly possesses no fear as he sets his company's sights on trying to wrest control...

Sat-Nav Systems ­nder Growing Threat from 'jammers'
From ACM News

Sat-Nav Systems ­nder Growing Threat from 'jammers'

Technology that depends on satellite-navigation signals is increasingly threatened by attack from widely available equipment, experts say. While "jamming" sat-nav...
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