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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorBBC News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Olpc ­nveils Slimline Tablet Pc
From ACM TechNews

Olpc ­nveils Slimline Tablet Pc

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) recently announced that the latest version of the XO laptop series, the XO-3, will be available in 2012 and will cost less than $100...

Software Models Aid Genetic Study
From ACM TechNews

Software Models Aid Genetic Study

New modeling software called Qlucore is being used by researchers at King's College to study how genes react to toxins. The gene-modeling software can sort through...

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies
From ACM News

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies

A giant "digital cloud" that would "float" above London's skyline has been outlined by an international team of architects, artists and engineers. The construction...

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics
From ACM TechNews

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics

China has announced plans to hold a robot Olympics in 2010, in which humanoid robots will compete in 16 different events ranging from athletics to machine-related...

Britain Apologizes After Turing Petition
From ACM TechNews

Britain Apologizes After Turing Petition

British prime minister Gordon Brown apologized for the way the government treated Alan Mathison Turing after convicting the computer pioneer of gross indecency...

From ACM TechNews

Smart Sensors Power Interaction

More than 70 demonstrations of interactive technologies that use sensors for a wide range of applications were showcased at the Human Computer Interaction conference's...

Mobile Data Show Friend Networks
From ACM TechNews

Mobile Data Show Friend Networks

A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that friendships can be inferred with 95% accuracy by studying cellphone call records...

From ACM TechNews

Computer 'agents' Take to the Web

Artificial intelligence agents that automatically negotiate for online shoppers, called Negotiation Ninjas, will be tested on a shopping Web site called Aroxo this...

From ACM TechNews

Call For Debate on Autonomous Military Robots

BBC NewsAs robots are increasingly used in warfare, civilian lives will be put at greater and greater risk, according to University of Sheffield professor NoelView...

When Employers Become Watchers
From ACM News

When Employers Become Watchers

Imagine if today at work you were watched for every single minute. Not just when you arrived and left, or when you went for your lunch. But every task, every conversation...

Hi-Tech Clothes to Help Elderly
From ACM TechNews

Hi-Tech Clothes to Help Elderly

Researchers in the University of Ulster's New Dynamics of Ageing Program are exploring the use of technology-enhanced clothing to improve the lives of older citizens...

Hi-Tech Aims to Improve Lifestyle
From ACM TechNews

Hi-Tech Aims to Improve Lifestyle

A three-year project is exploring how people react and behave when information on their energy use and activity levels are presented to them through mobile phones...

From ACM TechNews

The Future of Gadget Interaction

Many innovative technologies funded by the European Commission (EC) were spotlighted at the Science Beyond Fiction conference in Prague. The EC announced in April...

Shedding Light on the Catacombs of Rome
From ACM TechNews

Shedding Light on the Catacombs of Rome

Researchers have completed a three-year project to create the first comprehensive, three-dimensional (3D) image of the Catacombs in Rome. The project used laser...

The Rise and Rise of E-Readers
From ACM News

The Rise and Rise of E-Readers

Amazon's launch of its first dedicated e-reader for newspapers, magazines, and textbooks points to a future when digital and analog publishing begins to merge....

From ACM TechNews

Operating on the Virtual Human

Oxford University physiologist Peter Kohl believes surgeons will be using virtual reality to simulate alternative operations within 10 years. Computer models will...
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