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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Not in Front of the Telly: Warning Over 'listening' Tv
From ACM News

Not in Front of the Telly: Warning Over 'listening' Tv

Samsung is warning customers about discussing personal information in front of their smart television set.

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM TechNews

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research chief Eric Horvitz thinks Artificial Intelligence systems eventually could achieve consciousness, but he doubts they could become a threat to...

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM Opinion

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research's chief has said he thinks artificial intelligence systems could achieve consciousness, but has played down the threat to human life.

Back-­p Brains: The Era of Digital Immortality
From ACM News

Back-­p Brains: The Era of Digital Immortality

A few months before she died, my grandmother made a decision.

The Daunting Challenge of Reporting on Cyberwar
From ACM News

The Daunting Challenge of Reporting on Cyberwar

The US and UK are soon to take part in cyber war games, testing each other out for when the inevitable real cyberwar kicks off.

The Hidden Ways Traffic Flows Around ­s
From ACM News

The Hidden Ways Traffic Flows Around ­s

Get in your car and drive.

Can the Government Ban Encryption?
From ACM News

Can the Government Ban Encryption?

Whenever the terrorist threat is increased, as it has been since the tragic events in Paris last week, so too are the calls from politicians to increase the powers...

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?
From ACM News

Can Internet Companies Monitor Terrorists?

Facebook is saying little apart from the fact that "we do not allow terrorist content on the site and take steps to prevent people from using our service for these...

Seven Steps to Creating a Brain Implant
From ACM News

Seven Steps to Creating a Brain Implant

The brain is one of the most delicate and complex objects in the universe, so tinkering with its activity may seem like a fool's errand.

Dark Net Experts Trade Theories on 'de-Cloaking' After Raids
From ACM News

Dark Net Experts Trade Theories on 'de-Cloaking' After Raids

The hidden web community has started trying to find out how services and identities were compromised after police raids led to 17 arrests.

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones
From ACM News

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones

Ginger is only a couple of feet tall, but she soon commands attention as she takes to the stage. "I would like to say it's a pleasure to be here," she tells the...

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind
From ACM News

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind

Why is there such interest in finding new ways to gauge audience reactions?

Ebola: Can Big Data Analytics Help Contain Its Spread?
From ACM News

Ebola: Can Big Data Analytics Help Contain Its Spread?

The Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has now claimed more than 4,000 lives.

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science
From ACM News

Nobel Prize: How English Beat German as Language of Science

Permafrost, oxygen, hydrogen; it all looks like science to me. 

How Scammers Trick Your Mind
From ACM News

How Scammers Trick Your Mind

None of us likes being scammed, and David Modic is no different.

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet

You may not realise it, but every time you open up your laptop or switch on your phone, you are at the heart of one of the greatest battles now taking place in...

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows

The BBC has interviewed Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project.

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks
From ACM News

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks

In the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations about the US National Security Agency’s activities around the globe, authorities in Russia and Germany declared they...

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?
From ACM News

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?

Make a mobile phone call and encryption is there to stop eavesdroppers listening in.

Russia Offers $110,000 to Crack Tor Anonymous Network
From ACM News

Russia Offers $110,000 to Crack Tor Anonymous Network

Russia has offered 3.9m roubles ($110,000; £65,000) in a contest seeking a way to crack the identities of users of the Tor network.
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