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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPersonal Computing
authorBBC News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mobile 'Pinging' Claim Raises Legal Questions
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Mobile 'Pinging' Claim Raises Legal Questions

A former News of the World journalist's allegation the newspaper paid police to track mobile phones raises serious questions about the U.K.'s eavesdropping laws...

The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor
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The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor

Ted Hoff saved his own life, sort of. Deep inside this 73-year-old lies a microprocessor—a tiny computer that controls his pacemaker and, in turn, his heart.

New Net Rules Set to Make Cookies Crumble
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New Net Rules Set to Make Cookies Crumble

The way Websites track visitors and tailor ads to their behavior is about to undergo a big shake-up. From 25 May, European laws dictate that "explicit consent"...

Life Goes Online After Death with 'memory Boxes'
From ACM News

Life Goes Online After Death with 'memory Boxes'

The death of a close, elderly relative can often mean a sombre weekend or two going through old things, sorting through photographs, donating old clothes to charity...

Web Bug Reveals Browsing History
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Web Bug Reveals Browsing History

Porn sites are among the top users of a browser bug that reveals all the places people go online, finds research.

From ACM News

What Is Wikileaks?

Months after releasing some 90,000 secret records of U.S. military incident and intelligence reports about the war in Afghanistan, Wikileaks has posted online...

Sick PCs Should Be Banned From the Net Says Microsoft
From ACM TechNews

Sick PCs Should Be Banned From the Net Says Microsoft

Microsoft researcher Scott Charney recently presented an Internet security proposal that requires users to present a "health certificate" to prove that their PCs...

From ACM TechNews

Change to 'bios' Will Make For Pcs That Boot in Seconds

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is set to replace BIOS as the dominant PC startup software and could allow computers to start in just seconds. 

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide
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Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide

Tim Berners-Lee said that he would like to see everybody given a low-bandwidth connection "by default."

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Intel and Arm to Battle For the Hearts of Smartphones

Intel is aiming for a slice of the smartphone market with a new chip with built-in graphics.

Cult of Less: Living Out of a Hard Drive
From ACM News

Cult of Less: Living Out of a Hard Drive

Many have begun trading in CD, DVD, and book collections for digital music, movies, and e-books. But this trend in digital technology is now influencing some...

Haptics Brings a Personal Touch to Technology
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Haptics Brings a Personal Touch to Technology

Of all the senses, touch as been somewhat neglected as a human means of interacting with machines. Labs around the world are now racing to close the gap while...

From ACM News

Google in 'new Approach' on China

Until recently, the firm automatically redirected Chinese users to its unfiltered search site in Hong Kong to get round censorship issues. Google has said it will...

Technology Linked to Happiness, Study Claims
From ACM TechNews

Technology Linked to Happiness, Study Claims

A recent Chartered Institute for IT worldwide survey found there are positive links between access to technology and feelings of well-being. Access to communication...

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Microsoft's Internet Explorer Losing Browser Share

Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser, now accounts for less than 60% of the market, down from 95% at its peak in 2003, according to new figures.

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Virus Publishes Web History of Victims on the Net

A new type of malware infects PCs using file-share sites and publishes the user's net history on a public Web site before demanding a fee for its removal.

Google Invites ­sers to Join Wave
From ACM TechNews

Google Invites ­sers to Join Wave

Google developers Lars and Jens Rasmussen have released a limited preview of an open source messenger called Wave. Users must be invited to test the application...

From ACM TechNews

Smart Sensors Power Interaction

More than 70 demonstrations of interactive technologies that use sensors for a wide range of applications were showcased at the Human Computer Interaction conference's...

From ACM TechNews

Call For Debate on Autonomous Military Robots

BBC NewsAs robots are increasingly used in warfare, civilian lives will be put at greater and greater risk, according to University of Sheffield professor NoelView...

Barcode Replacement Shown Off
From ACM TechNews

Barcode Replacement Shown Off

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed Bokodes, a new barcode format that could replace the current barcodes used on retail products...
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