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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Online 'chatbots' Are Already Tricking You
From ACM News

How Online 'chatbots' Are Already Tricking You

Sometimes it's the promise of sex that fools you.

Teenager Unleashes Computer Power For Cancer Diagnosis
From ACM TechNews

Teenager Unleashes Computer Power For Cancer Diagnosis

Duke University undergraduate Brittany Wenger recently spoke about her research into using artificial intelligence to teach computers to diagnose cancer. 

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?
From ACM News

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?

Sixteen years ago, a Spaniard named Mario Costeja Gonzalez had hit financial difficulties.

Hi-Tech Sensors Aim to Help Prevent Obesity
From ACM TechNews

Hi-Tech Sensors Aim to Help Prevent Obesity

The European Union is funding a project that intends to use high-tech sensors to get young people to adopt healthy lifestyles. 

Electric Cars: Hidden Habits You Are Sharing with Firms
From ACM News

Electric Cars: Hidden Habits You Are Sharing with Firms

You wouldn't think that anybody would care about your drive to the supermarket to buy milk.

Google Adds Coral Reef Panoramas to Street View Maps
From ACM TechNews

Google Adds Coral Reef Panoramas to Street View Maps

Google recently added panoramas of coral reefs to its Street View services, enabling users to navigate their way around the sites.

Virtual Patient Under the Knife on Hi-Tech Operating Table
From ACM News

Virtual Patient Under the Knife on Hi-Tech Operating Table

At St Mary's Hospital in London, surgeon Aimee Di Marco is about to cut up a body.

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
From ACM News

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

Nature's Hidden Prime Number Code
From ACM Opinion

Nature's Hidden Prime Number Code

Ever since humans evolved on this planet we have been trying to make sense of the world around us. We have attempted to explain why the world looks and behaves...

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?
From ACM News

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?

With the Glonass satellite-navigation constellation nearly complete, Russia's plan to wean itself off the US Global Positioning System (GPS) appears to be coming...
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