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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Top ­.S. ­niversities Shun Cash From Huawei ­nder Trump Pressure
From ACM TechNews

Top ­.S. ­niversities Shun Cash From Huawei ­nder Trump Pressure

Pressure from Congress and the Trump administration has forced top U.S. universities to refuse research funding from China's Huawei Technologies over national security...

These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal
From ACM TechNews

These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal

Japanese startup Vaak has developed artificial intelligence software that looks for potential shoplifters on video surveillance footage.

Huawei Suit Against ­.S. Tries to Go Where Russian Firm Failed
From ACM News

Huawei Suit Against ­.S. Tries to Go Where Russian Firm Failed

Huawei Technologies Co., the Chinese telecom giant facing multiple criminal indictments in the U.S., is expanding on a Russian company's failed legal argument to...

Huawei Sues ­.S. Over Equipment Ban, Escalating Legal Clash
From ACM News

Huawei Sues ­.S. Over Equipment Ban, Escalating Legal Clash

Huawei Technologies Co. sued the U.S. government for barring its equipment from certain networks, delivering a legal riposte to American accusations it aids China...

Putin Wants His Own Internet
From ACM News

Putin Wants His Own Internet

When anti-government protests erupted on Russia's side of the Caucasus Mountains in October, authorities did something they'd never done before: cut mobile internet...

Huawei Goes on Offense in the Battle for Hearts and Minds
From ACM News

Huawei Goes on Offense in the Battle for Hearts and Minds

Huawei Technologies Co. has turned to a blend of wit, sarcasm and defiance to publicly fight allegations that the world's largest maker of telecommunications equipment...

Deep Learning 'Godfather' Bengio Worries About China's ­se of AI
From ACM News

Deep Learning 'Godfather' Bengio Worries About China's ­se of AI

Yoshua Bengio, a Canadian computer scientist who helped pioneer the techniques underpinning much of the current excitement around artificial intelligence, is worried...

The Pentagon's Cybersecurity Is Falling Behind
From ACM TechNews

The Pentagon's Cybersecurity Is Falling Behind

The Pentagon warns the U.S. military's cybersecurity capabilities are not advancing with sufficient speed to head off an "onslaught of multipronged" attacks by...

Huawei Is Blocked in ­.S., But Its Chips Power Cameras Everywhere
From ACM News

Huawei Is Blocked in ­.S., But Its Chips Power Cameras Everywhere

Pelco, a California-based security camera maker, set lofty sales targets last year for a model with sharper video resolution and other cutting-edge features. That...

AI vs. the Hackers
From ACM TechNews

AI vs. the Hackers

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and various startups increasingly are implementing machine learning algorithms that adapt to hackers' constantly evolving tactics.

Kroger, Microsoft Create Futuristic Grocery Store
From ACM TechNews

Kroger, Microsoft Create Futuristic Grocery Store

Microsoft and the Kroger supermarket chain are collaborating on online grocery shopping.

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers

Last year, Microsoft Corp.'s Azure security team detected suspicious activity in the cloud computing usage of a large retailer: One of the company's administrators...

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future
From ACM News

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future

The surprise arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co., has thrust the company into a political firestorm and deepened a core threat...

Cambridge Analytica Knew How You'd Vote If You Wore Wrangler
From ACM News

Cambridge Analytica Knew How You'd Vote If You Wore Wrangler

The whistle-blower behind the Cambridge Analytica revelations said the now-defunct data research firm used the fashion preferences of Facebook Inc. users to help...

China Is Building a $9 Billion Rival to the American-Run GPS
From ACM News

China Is Building a $9 Billion Rival to the American-Run GPS

China is taking its rivalry with the U.S. to the heavens, spending at least $9 billion to build a celestial navigation system and cut its dependence on the American...

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses
From ACM TechNews

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses

AppZen has developed an artificial intelligence program that can identify dubious work expense claims and educate employees about travel and expense policies.

Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020
From ACM News

Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020

China's plan to judge each of its 1.3 billion people based on their social behavior is moving a step closer to reality, with Beijing set to adopt a lifelong points...

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 
From ACM Careers

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 

The lobby of SenseTime's Beijing office makes you feel a bit like you've stumbled into a Philip K. Dick novel.

Amazon Go Has a Real Rival in Japan
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Go Has a Real Rival in Japan

A company in Japan has developed an automated system that could rival Amazon Go in terms of quickly providing consumers with products.

Google in China: When 'Don't Be Evil' Met the Great Firewall
From ACM News

Google in China: When 'Don't Be Evil' Met the Great Firewall

If you're planning on moving to China anytime soon, here's a piece of advice: Get yourself a WeChat account.
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