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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Big Hack: How China ­sed a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate ­.S. Companies
From ACM News

The Big Hack: How China ­sed a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate ­.S. Companies

In 2015, Inc. began quietly evaluating a startup called Elemental Technologies, a potential acquisition to help with a major expansion of its streaming...

How Faking Videos Became Easy and Why That's So Scary
From ACM News

How Faking Videos Became Easy and Why That's So Scary

A minute-long video of Barack Obama has been seen more than 4.8 million times since April. It shows the former U.S. president seated, with the American flag in...

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians
From ACM News

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians

You're crossing the street wrong.

Blockchain, Once Seen as a Corporate Cure-All, Suffers Slowdown
From ACM News

Blockchain, Once Seen as a Corporate Cure-All, Suffers Slowdown

Corporate America's love affair with all things blockchain may be cooling.

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

Inside Google, a Debate Rages: Should It Sell Artificial Intelligence to the Military?
From ACM Careers

Inside Google, a Debate Rages: Should It Sell Artificial Intelligence to the Military?

Last July, 13 U.S. military commanders and technology executives met at the Pentagon's Silicon Valley outpost, two miles from Google headquarters.

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law
From ACM News

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law

Nicholas Oliver gathers reams of personal information about users of his mobile app: age, sex, location, profession, relationship status, and more—and uses it to...

China's Internet ­nderground Fights for Its Life
From ACM News

China's Internet ­nderground Fights for Its Life

For years, thousands of virtual private networks (VPNs) have allowed people in China to circumvent restrictions on internet access and visit Facebook, Google, YouTube...

The Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data
From ACM News

The Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data

Picture this: You're driving home from work, contemplating what to make for dinner, and as you idle at a red light near your neighborhood pizzeria, an ad offering...

Inside North Korea's Hacker Army
From ACM News

Inside North Korea's Hacker Army

In most respects, Jong Hyok looks like any other middle-aged male tech worker you might see on the skyscraper-shadowed streets of Seoul's Gangnam district: smartphone...

Facebook Says Social Media Isn't always Healthy For Democracy
From ACM News

Facebook Says Social Media Isn't always Healthy For Democracy

China Becomes One of the Top 5 ­.s. Patent Recipients For the First Time
From ACM News

China Becomes One of the Top 5 ­.s. Patent Recipients For the First Time

Chinese companies have increased the number of U.S. patents they've received by tenfold in less than 10 years, another sign that the world's second-largest economy...

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies Like IBM
From ACM News

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies Like IBM

Blockchain is getting bigger at Big Blue.

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...

Blockchain Gets a Wall Street Win: 'we Know the Thing Works Now' 
From ACM News

Blockchain Gets a Wall Street Win: 'we Know the Thing Works Now' 

The prospect of blockchain technology remaking financial services just moved a step closer to reality after banks including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan...

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World
From ACM Careers

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World

The headquarters of Fanuc sit in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, on a sprawling, secluded campus of 22 windowless factories and dozens of office buildings.

Google, Facebook and Twitter scramble to Hold Washington at Bay
From ACM Careers

Google, Facebook and Twitter scramble to Hold Washington at Bay

Google summoned about 200 policy staff from around the world last month for a debate on whether the company's size has made it too attractive as a target for government...

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street
From ACM Careers

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street

A major breakthrough in cryptography may have solved one of the biggest obstacles to using blockchain technology on Wall Street: keeping transaction data private...

China's Plan For World Domination in AI Isn't So Crazy After All
From ACM Careers

China's Plan For World Domination in AI Isn't So Crazy After All

Xu Li's software scans more faces than maybe any on earth. He has the Chinese police to thank.

Why So Few Women Break Through Tech's Bro Culture
From ACM TechNews

Why So Few Women Break Through Tech's Bro Culture

Despite the technology industry's attempts to achieve gender equality, the sector suffers from chronic underrepresentation of women.
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