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authorBloomberg Businessweek

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ayasdi: Stanford Math Begets a Data Company
From ACM Careers

Ayasdi: Stanford Math Begets a Data Company

Like most of his peers, Gunnar Carlsson spends his time thinking about hairy, theoretical math problems.

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not
From ACM News

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not

Chinese Internet cops are at it again.

Apple vs. Google: Starkly Different China Experiences
From ACM Careers

Apple vs. Google: Starkly Different China Experiences

In China, sometimes having the first-mover advantage is often no advantage at all. Case in point: Apple vs. Google.

The Education of Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Education of Google's Larry Page

Larry Page is surrounded.

From ACM News

Who Does Google Think You Are?

A tool tells users what the company infers about your interests and age.

From ACM News

Steve Ballmer Reboots

They had his dining room waiting. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive and one of the richest men in the world, often eats privately at a Bellevue (Wash.)...

From ACM News

Voice Control, the End of the Tv Remote?

Before he died on Oct. 5, Steve Jobs left clues that he was working on a new product that would revolutionize how we interact with our TVs. "It will have the...
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