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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security
From ACM News

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security

When it launched in 2010, NuCaptcha touted its proprietary technology as being able to "provide the highest level of security available" by using video streams...

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups
From ACM Careers

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups

Armies of entrepreneurs are trying to make money sifting through mountains of data from the Web and other sources, but one of the biggest challenges is simply getting...

From ACM News

Google Wants Ability to 'combine' Your ­ser Data

Google is planning to rewrite its privacy policy to grant it explicit rights to "combine personal information" across multiple products and services, the company...

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf has sent a letter to U.S. House Judiciary chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), adding his voice to those of many other...

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican
From ACM News

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican

Rep. Lamar Smith, whose congressional district in Texas encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, might seem like an...

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon

As robots seek to mimic humans' ability to see and hear, they have a secret weapon in Microsoft's Kinect game motion-sensing controller.

Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission
From ACM News

Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission

If you're going to Mars with an SUV-size robot, you'll need a really good energy supply.

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now
From ACM News

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now

Today, Adobe confirmed that it's extinguishing the Flash Player plug-in for mobile devices.

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

Outsmarted: Captcha Security Not Much of a Gotcha
From ACM News

Outsmarted: Captcha Security Not Much of a Gotcha

A team of Stanford University researchers has bad news to report about Captchas, those often unreadable, always annoying distorted letters that you're required...

Microsoft Sees Screens Everywhere in Futuristic Video
From ACM News

Microsoft Sees Screens Everywhere in Futuristic Video

Say what you will about Microsoft's execution in developing cool products and services consumers want, where rivals such as Apple and Google have stolen a beat...

From ACM News

Privacy at Risk: Who's Watching You?

The notion of Big Brother has been around for decades, but technology has long lagged behind the Orwellian imagination. Not any more; in the era of smartphones...

Carriers May Be Handicapping Cell Phone Networks
From ACM TechNews

Carriers May Be Handicapping Cell Phone Networks

Researchers at the University of Michigan and Microsoft Research found that wireless operators may unknowingly be degrading performance on their networks as the...

Google, Opendns Add Geo Speed Boost to Net
From ACM TechNews

Google, Opendns Add Geo Speed Boost to Net

OpenDNS, Google, and Verisign have built new technology into their Internet operations that is designed to accelerate the delivery of data worldwide. 

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry
From ACM News

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry

Most people in the Western world walk around with a powerful computer in their pocket or purse, otherwise known as a smartphone. It's not unusual to see someone...

From ACM News

Black Hat: Legal Pitfalls of Investigating Mobile

Hackers today are testing mobile devices ever more strenuously, but the work often stands on shaky legal ground, according to Jennifer Granick, an attorney for...

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems
From ACM News

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems

Researcher Don A. Bailey will be showing at the Black Hat security conference how easy it is to open and even start a car remotely by hacking the cellular network...

Kevin Mitnick Shows How Easy It Is to Hack a Phone
From ACM News

Kevin Mitnick Shows How Easy It Is to Hack a Phone

British tabloid News of the World said it is closing down over a phone hacking scandal in which workers for the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper allegedly snooped...

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET
From ACM Opinion

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET

Thirty years ago, Andy Hertzfeld was a young computer engineer working at Apple Computer on the first Macintosh under the leadership of Steve Jobs. As Jobs had...

From ACM News

Apple's New Multitouch Patent (faq)

Apple picked up a patent Tuesday that could come in very handy in today's thicket of smartphone-related intellectual property litigation.
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