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subjectCommunications / Networking

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Playing It Safe With Two Networks
From ACM News

Playing It Safe With Two Networks

To protect itself from hackers, Cryptography Research runs two unconnected networks—one for sensitive data and core engineering work that is not connected to the...

­.s. Cyber Command Prepped to Launch
From ACM News

­.s. Cyber Command Prepped to Launch

Washingon's new U.S. Cyber Command is prepped and ready but is still waiting for Senate approval of its new commander before it can open for business.

Intel Powers Its Way Inside the Smart Grid
From ACM News

Intel Powers Its Way Inside the Smart Grid

Intel wants you to take more interest in your energy use but isn't fussy about how you do it. The chip giant has developed a broad strategy to make money on smart...

Turning Smartphones Into Air Quality Monitors
From ACM TechNews

Turning Smartphones Into Air Quality Monitors

Intel Labs has developed Common Sense, a portable device that collects and analyzes nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone information, and enables users to...

From ACM News

Internet's Future on Display at Singularity U.

The Internet of the future is an intelligent network capable of proactively acting on our needs, following us wherever we go, helping provide us with focused health...

The Internet Can Make You Smarter, Experts Say
From ACM TechNews

The Internet Can Make You Smarter, Experts Say

A Pew Internet survey of 900 scientists, business leaders, and technology developers found that most thought that the Internet can improve humanity's overall grasp...

Experts Warn of Catastrophe From Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Experts Warn of Catastrophe From Cyberattacks

A panel of experts told U.S. senators at a recent hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation that the United States would be defeated...

From ACM News

Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with aconvicted...

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job
From ACM News

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job

Peiter Zatko--a respected hacker known as "Mudge"--has been tapped to be a program manager at DARPA, where he will be in charge of funding research designed toDARPA...

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion
From ACM News

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion

If wireless operators thought they'd faced a deluge of data traffic from the iPhone, they haven't seen anything yet, according to a survey from network equipment...

From ACM News

Police Want Backdoor to Web Users' Private Data

count likely knows that police can peek inside it if they have a paper search warrant. But cybercrime investigators are frustrated by the speed of traditionalone...

From ACM TechNews

With Draft Standard, 3d Web Closer to Reality

The Khronos Group and Mozilla have announced the release of WebGL, a new standard for enabling Web browsers to support three-dimensional (3D) graphics. The draft...

Ibm: Envisioning the World's Fastest Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Ibm: Envisioning the World's Fastest Supercomputer

IBM will release a new Power7 chip next year that could lead to the development of the world's fastest supercomputer. The IBM Blue Waters project supercomputer...

Smart Grid Potential Gated By Broadband
From ACM TechNews

Smart Grid Potential Gated By Broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission recently held a field hearing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to discuss the role of the communications...

Darpa's Latest Challenge: Locate These 10 Balloons
From ACM TechNews

Darpa's Latest Challenge: Locate These 10 Balloons

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will award $40,000 to the first person who can complete a new social-networking challenge. DARPA wants to...

From ACM TechNews

New Standard Lets Browsers Get a Grip on Files

The World Wide Web Consortium has published File API, an interface draft that Web browsers can use to better manipulate files and is part of a larger effort to...

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Create Tools For Disaster Relief

The first-ever Random Hacks of Kindness recently took place in Mountain View, Calif., bringing software developers together to focus on how technology could be...

From ACM News

Wi-Fi Certification Might Be Tweaked For Smart Grids

The Wi-Fi Alliance has formed a task group to determine what standards need to be modified to ensure Wi-Fi is the tool of choice for smart-grid applications. The...

From ACM TechNews

New Wi-Fi Spec Challenges Bluetooth

The Wi-Fi Alliance has announced Wi-Fi Direct, a new Wi-Fi specification that supports standard Wi-Fi data rates and enables Wi-Fi-enabled devices within about...

From ACM News

'state of the Internet' Assessed

Internet attacks came from 201 different countries in the second quarter of 2009, up from 68 countries in the first quarter, according to a report released Thursday...
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