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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Search Scratches Its Brain 500 Million Times a Day
From ACM TechNews

Google Search Scratches Its Brain 500 Million Times a Day

Google processes about 100 billion search requests a month, and about 15 percent of them take longer to process because the request is totally new to it.

David Gelernter: Bring on the 'stream Browser'
From ACM TechNews

David Gelernter: Bring on the 'stream Browser'

Yale University professor David Gelernter recently predicted the end of current Web and search technology as the focus shifts from a space-based Web to a time-based...

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers
From ACM Opinion

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers

Famed inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil joined Google last month to work on "some of the hardest problems in computer science," specifically machine learning and...

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global
From ACM News

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global

Earlier this month, Google shared a fascinating statistic. The number of items in the company's Knowledge Graph—its database of people, places, and things, and...

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments
From ACM News

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments

The familiar whistle of a smartphone notification told me that Paco was hungry.

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind

It's time to think of Google as much more than just a search engine, and that should both excite and spook you.

From ACM News

Browser Choice: A Thing of the Past?

Like to pick your browser? Beware, because new mobile devices threaten to stifle the competitive vigor of the market for Web browsers on PCs.

From ACM News

Google Wants Ability to 'combine' Your ­ser Data

Google is planning to rewrite its privacy policy to grant it explicit rights to "combine personal information" across multiple products and services, the company...

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.
From ACM News

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.

Eric Schmidt cut a confident figure today prior to his testimony before U.S. lawmakers, who later appeared determined to find out if Google abuses its supremacy...

From ACM News

Apple, Google Leagues Ahead in Developer Survey

Google lost some ground in its effort to catch Apple's lead in the effort to attract mobile developer interest, but other rivals aren't even close, survey data...

From ACM News

Testing Google's Panda Algorithm: Cnet Analysis

Google's sweeping changes to Web site rankings have roiled the Web industry, including the company's announcement last week that its algorithms now incorporate...

From ACM News

Benchmark Battle: Chrome vs. Ie vs. Firefox

There's no doubt the latest crop of stable browsers from Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla are the best the companies have ever produced. But how do they perform...

From ACM News

A Day Seen Through Google Searches

Google likes to think of itself as the world's information barometer, the most complete repository of human intent as measured by the Internet search query. Around...

From ACM News

How Google Tested Google Instant

In a world of data-obsessed number-crunching engineers, Google's John Boyd is the people person.

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm
From ACM News

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm

Google is famous for evangelizing the power of the algorithm. It spends less time talking about the several hundred human beings who influence its algorithm.

Two Years On, Chrome Reshapes Browser Market
From ACM News

Two Years On, Chrome Reshapes Browser Market

It's been two years since the first public version of Chrome appeared, but in some ways, Google's browser remains a novelty.

Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret
From ACM News

Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret

Can Google keep a secret?

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser
From ACM News

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser

Firefox has become the default browser for nearly 400,000 IBM employees, a big coup for the open-source project during a time of increasing browser competition.

From ACM News

Google Rolls Out Encrypted Web Search Option

Google began offering an encrypted option for Web searchers on Friday and said it planned to roll it out for all of its services eventually.

From ACM News

Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with aconvicted...
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