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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Iranian General Accuses Siemens of Helping ­.s., Israel Build Stuxnet

An Iranian military commander Saturday accused the German electronics giant Siemens with helping U.S. and Israeli teams craft the Stuxnet worm that attacked his...

From ACM News

U.s. Can Conduct Offsite Searches of Computers Seized at Borders, Court Rules

Laptop computers and other digital devices carried into the U.S. may be seized from travelers without a warrant and sent to a secondary site for forensic inspection...

What a Cyberwar With China Might Look Like
From ACM TechNews

What a Cyberwar With China Might Look Like

A cyberwar scenario hypothesized by former U.S. State Department diplomat Christopher Bronk in a report published in the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Studies paints...

From ACM News

Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society

As real-time and batch analytics evolve using big data processing engines such as Hadoop, corporations will be able to track our activities, habits, and locations...

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption
From ACM TechNews

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Cracking encrypted messages can take a very long time using existing technology. However, researchers warn that quantum computers eventually could make cracking...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Developing Security 'game-Changer'

Intel researchers are developing computer security technology that stop all zero-day attacks. "We're going to see a quantum jump in the ability of future devices...

From ACM News

White House Says Supercomputing 'arms Race' Could Prove Costly

Looks for better ways to make sure supercomputers "address our current national priorities."

From ACM News

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Today's secure cipher-text may be tomorrow's open book.

From ACM TechNews

European ­nion Funds Cloud Security Project

The European Union is funding Trustworthy Clouds, a research project aimed at developing a series of technical advances that will increase the security of cloud...

China's 'Big Hole' Marks Scale of Supercomputing Race
From ACM News

China's 'Big Hole' Marks Scale of Supercomputing Race

1,000 U.S. scientists are involved in exascale development, but China and Europe have stepped up their investment, IBM warns.

From ACM TechNews

Some Experts Question Efforts to Identify Cyberattackers

Cybersecurity experts testifying at a recent U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearing disagreed about whether the federal government should explore new...

From ACM News

Feds Publish Final Ehealth 'meaningful Use' Rules

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today issued the final guidelines that will determine how doctors, hospitals and other medical care facilities...

Researchers: Poor Password Practices Hurt Security for All
From ACM TechNews

Researchers: Poor Password Practices Hurt Security for All

University of Cambridge researchers recently completed a large study of password-protected Web sites and found that a lack of industry standards harms end-user...

From ACM TechNews

P2p Networks a Treasure Trove of Leaked Health Care Data, Study Finds

Dartmouth College researchers have found that health care data is as easily accessible on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks now as it was before the enactment of a new...

Researcher Aims to Secure RFID Tags
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Aims to Secure RFID Tags

Technology for providing alerts when information on RFID tags is being accessed and controlling access to private information was on display during the recent CHI...

From ACM TechNews

After Google-China Dust-­p, Cyberwar Emerges as a Threat

Recent cyberattacks against Google and other tech firms highlight concerns about adversaries' ability to launch a full-fledged cyberwar against the United States...

From ACM TechNews

Cyberattacks Are 'Existential Threat' to U.S., FBI Says

The threat from cyberattacks is so severe that it actually threatens the very existence of the United States, says Steven Chabinsky, the deputy assistant director...

Australia Builds Secret Database to Fight Cyber-Terrorism
From ACM TechNews

Australia Builds Secret Database to Fight Cyber-Terrorism

Australia's federal government has been given sensitive data from utilities, banks, and other organizations for the Critical Infrastructure Protection Modeling...

From ACM TechNews

White House Calls for IT Boost to Fight Terrorism

A new White House report says the U.S. government needs better information technology (IT) to counter potential terrorist attacks, such as the recent attempt to...

From ACM News

More Flash Drive Firms Warn of Security Flaw; NIST Investigates

SanDisk Corp. and Verbatim Corp. have joined Kingston Technology Inc. in warning customers about a potential security threat posed by a flaw in the hardware-based...
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