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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Grill: MIT Media Labs' David Merrill on Tangible Computing
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: MIT Media Labs' David Merrill on Tangible Computing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab graduate student David Merrill has co-invented Siftables to facilitate more natural and tangible interaction with...

­.s. Supercomputing Lead Rings Sputnik-Like Alarm For Russia
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Supercomputing Lead Rings Sputnik-Like Alarm For Russia

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recently criticized his country's information technology industry for failing to develop supercomputing technology, and urged...

From ACM TechNews

Open-Source Developers Set Out Software Road Map for 2020

A group of open source software advocates have published  a report that establishes a road map for the software industry through 2020. The report makes several...

From ACM TechNews

They're Robots, but Not as We Know Them

Neural networking was the focus of the 15th International Conference on Neuro-Information Processing in Auckland. Researchers discussed how a better understanding...

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps
From ACM TechNews

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps

Salaries for information technology (IT) professionals have essentially stalled, reveals Computerworld's 22nd annual Salary Survey. The survey, based on responses...
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