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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Computing May Be Moving Out of Science Fiction
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing May Be Moving Out of Science Fiction

True quantum computing could be realized relatively soon, according to some industry analysts.

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance
From ACM TechNews

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance

Alcatel-Lucent's Bell Labs shared some of its vision for networks in 2020 at a recent event. 

Computer Scientists Say Meme Research Doesn't Threaten Free Speech
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Say Meme Research Doesn't Threaten Free Speech

The heads of five of the U.S.'s largest computing research organizations are refuting political attacks on research on what makes ideas go viral, particularly on...

World's Thinnest Nanowires May Lead to Foldable Tablets, Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

World's Thinnest Nanowires May Lead to Foldable Tablets, Smartphones

Researchers  have created nanowires 1/1,000th the width of the microscopic wires used today to connect transistors in integrated computer chips. 

Quantum Rewrites the Rules of Computing
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Rewrites the Rules of Computing

Quantum computers are rewriting the rules of how computing works, but even the people developing them say they cannot explain how they work. 

Thanks to the Nsa, Quantum Computing May Some Day Be in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Thanks to the Nsa, Quantum Computing May Some Day Be in the Cloud

The U.S. National Security Agency is spending about $80 million for basic quantum computing research.

Moore's Law Isn't Making Chips Cheaper Anymore
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Isn't Making Chips Cheaper Anymore

At a wine bar in San Francisco on Wednesday, Broadcom Chairman and CTO Henry Samueli delivered some sobering news: Moore's Law isn't making chips cheaper anymore...

From ACM News

Why the ­.s. May Lose the Race to Exascale

In the global race to build the next generation of supercomputers—exascale—there is no guarantee the U.S. will finish first.

Quantum Computers Will Be Commercially Available in 20 Years: Scientist
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Will Be Commercially Available in 20 Years: Scientist

University of New South Wales professor Andrew Dzurak predicts that commercially available quantum computing will in arrive two decades, while demonstrations of...

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density
From ACM TechNews

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density

Table salt could be used to increase the capacity of hard drives from as much as 4 Tbytes today to more than 21 Tbytes, according to researchers at the Institute...

From ACM News

Justices Question Microsoft's Vision of Patent Law

U.S. Supreme Court justices questioned Monday whether they should side with Microsoft and weaken the legal standard needed to invalidate a patent, with some justices...

From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Not As Smart As You Think

As smart as IBM's Watson supercomputer may have seemed while defeating two former Jeopardy champions, it wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with or speak...

From ACM News

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Today's secure cipher-text may be tomorrow's open book.

Nanowires Could Lead to Foldable Tablets, Say Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Nanowires Could Lead to Foldable Tablets, Say Researchers

Duke University scientists have developed a method to make large quantities of copper nanowires, which could be used to create bendable, foldable tablet computers...

IBM Creates 1:5 Billion Scale Model of the Matterhorn
From ACM TechNews

IBM Creates 1:5 Billion Scale Model of the Matterhorn

IBM researchers have demonstrated a patterning technique capable of creating structures as small as 15 nanometers, and say the technology is a simpler and less...

From ACM TechNews

Aussie Quantum Experiment Challenges Einstein, Computer Science

University of Queensland (UQ) and Harvard University researchers have completed an experiment that could have massive ramifications for science through the application...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Says Shape-Shifting Robots Closer to Reality

Researchers at Intel and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) say distributed computing and robotics could be used to make shape-shifting electronics a reality in the...
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