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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorEsther Shein

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Relearning to Speak
From ACM News

Relearning to Speak

New systems can help you not only learn to understand a second language, but how to pronounce it correctly.

Relearning to Speak
From ACM News

Relearning to Speak

New systems can help you not only learn to understand a second language, but how to pronounce it correctly.

Companies Proactively Seek Out Internal Threats
From Communications of the ACM

Companies Proactively Seek Out Internal Threats

Organizations must balance their concerns with the protection of employee privacy.

Predictive Analytics Provides Powerful Benefits to Healthcare
From ACM News

Predictive Analytics Provides Powerful Benefits to Healthcare

Medical treatment is on the verge of a "radical transformation" thanks to statistical data analysis techniques that predict future outcomes.

Python For Beginners
From Communications of the ACM

Python For Beginners

A survey found the language in use in introductory programming classes in the top U.S. computer science schools.

Bringing Coding to Kindergarten
From ACM News

Bringing Coding to Kindergarten

How young is too young to learn to write software?

Mobile Apps Enable Professional Development
From ACM News

Mobile Apps Enable Professional Development

Continuing Education begins adapting to the smartphone.

Should <i>Everybody</i> Learn to Code?
From Communications of the ACM

Should Everybody Learn to Code?

Not everyone needs coding skills, but learning how to think like a programmer can be useful in many disciplines.

Keeping Computers Cool From the Inside
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Computers Cool From the Inside

New techniques could cut the power required to avoid overheating.
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