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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorFinancial Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Apple, Aetna Team ­p on New Healthcare App
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Aetna Team ­p on New Healthcare App

Apple and U.S. insurance firm Aetna have partnered on a new Apple Watch application, through which users can access detailed health records.

Researchers Take Step Closer to Creating Tech That Can Read Minds
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Take Step Closer to Creating Tech That Can Read Minds

Columbia University researchers have developed a system that can produce intelligible synthetic speech through computer processing of human brain activity.

National Health Service Trials AI Software to Diagnose Breast Cancer
From ACM TechNews

National Health Service Trials AI Software to Diagnose Breast Cancer

Several European companies have trained artificial intelligence to detect signs of breast cancer.

Battle for Connected Home Seizes the Stage at CES 2019
From ACM TechNews

Battle for Connected Home Seizes the Stage at CES 2019

Last week's CES 2019 in Las Vegas showcased efforts by Google, Amazon, and Apple to advance connected home technology platforms.

Taiwan's Rice Farmers ­se Big Data to Cope With Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

Taiwan's Rice Farmers ­se Big Data to Cope With Climate Change

Taiwanese rice growers are using big data as a part of a pilot project to ensure the resilience of crop production in the face of climate change.

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data
From ACM TechNews

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data

Researchers analyzing about 33% of the Android apps in the Google Play Store found almost nine out of 10 track smartphone data and transmit it back to Google.

Online Gaming Yields First Results For Alzheimer's Research
From ACM TechNews

Online Gaming Yields First Results For Alzheimer's Research

Stall Catchers is an online computer game in which players use to analyze movies of blood flow to the brain as part of Alzheimer's disease research.

Intelligent Machines Are Asked to Explain How Their Minds Work
From ACM TechNews

Intelligent Machines Are Asked to Explain How Their Minds Work

Researchers are trying to teach intelligent machines to explain, in human terms, how their minds work.

'hackathon' Attempts to STEM Proliferation of Fake News
From ACM TechNews

'hackathon' Attempts to STEM Proliferation of Fake News

A hackathon inspired by the influence of fake news on the U.S. presidential election seeks to incentivize the prioritization of truth.

­S Military: Robot Wars
From ACM News

­S Military: Robot Wars

When historians come to write about technological innovation in the first half of this century, they are likely to pay special attention to a US Navy drone called...

Computer Algorithm Created to Encode Human Memories
From ACM TechNews

Computer Algorithm Created to Encode Human Memories

Researchers at the University of Southern California and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have spent 10 years developing an implant to help a brain encode memories...

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'
From ACM TechNews

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'

A new version of the Internet might be the best way to defend against cyberattacks, says Internet co-founder Vint Cerf. 

From ACM TechNews

Powerful Argument for Cutting IT Energy Consumption

Although technology is growing more and more energy efficient, more innovation is needed to offset the growing use of computers in countries such as India and China...

From ACM TechNews

Futurephile: Knowledge Embedded in Everything

The day will come when everyone will wear glasses with a computer overlay capable of processing the faces of passersby and tell wearers if they have met someone...
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