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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorFinancial Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Algorithm Created to Encode Human Memories
From ACM TechNews

Computer Algorithm Created to Encode Human Memories

Researchers at the University of Southern California and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have spent 10 years developing an implant to help a brain encode memories...

Will Software that Writes Code Alter Tech's Script?
From ACM TechNews

Will Software that Writes Code Alter Tech's Script?

Several companies are promising to create software that will be able to do most of the grunt work of writing software on its own. 

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus

Several universities are experimenting with wearable technologies as a way to improve classroom instruction. 

From ACM TechNews

How to Raise a Personable Robot

Social roboticist Heather Knight's research focuses on making robots socially expressive so they can interact with people on a more personable level. 

Japanese Robots Earn Their Keep
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Robots Earn Their Keep

Japanese researchers have developed a robot designed to provide assistance and companionship to human astronauts who spend months working in space.

Facebook Raises Fears with Ad Tracking
From ACM News

Facebook Raises Fears with Ad Tracking

Facebook is working with a controversial data company called Datalogix that can track whether people who see ads on the social networking site end up buying those...

Invasion of the Body Hackers
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Invasion of the Body Hackers

Michael Galpert rolls over in bed in his New York apartment, the alarm clock still chiming. The 28-year-old internet entrepreneur slips off the headband that’s...

From ACM News

Google to Map Inflation Using Web Data

Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the "Google Price Index"—a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative...

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Chinese and Saudis Lead Way in Internet Use

People in China and the Middle East are the busiest and most enthusiastic internet users, a study of the world’s online habits has revealed.

Technology Shows What's on a Customer's Mind
From ACM TechNews

Technology Shows What's on a Customer's Mind

Foviance founder Catriona Campbell, an expert on human-computer interaction, provides clients with research studies that measure Internet users' subconscious, emotional...

From ACM TechNews

Futurephile: Knowledge Embedded in Everything

The day will come when everyone will wear glasses with a computer overlay capable of processing the faces of passersby and tell wearers if they have met someone...
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