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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Chip Breakthrough to Be Unveiled
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Chip Breakthrough to Be Unveiled

University of Bristol researchers say they have developed a quantum chip that will lead to the creation of completely secure mobile phones and super-fast computers...

Robotics: Androids Close the Gap With People
From ACM TechNews

Robotics: Androids Close the Gap With People

Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro recently led ATR in developing Elfoid P1, a prototype portable tele-operated android that is designed to convey the...

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race

The United States wants to achieve exaflop speeds for supercomputing, but China, the European Union, India, Japan, and Russia also have set their sights on exascale...

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'
From ACM TechNews

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'

A new version of the Internet might be the best way to defend against cyberattacks, says Internet co-founder Vint Cerf. 

'internet of Things' Is Set to Come
From ACM TechNews

'internet of Things' Is Set to Come

Oxfam charity shops will use technology developed by a U.K. consortium to create an Internet of things this fall. 

Invasion of the Body Hackers
From ACM News

Invasion of the Body Hackers

Michael Galpert rolls over in bed in his New York apartment, the alarm clock still chiming. The 28-year-old internet entrepreneur slips off the headband that’s...

From ACM TechNews

Rules of Engagement For Cyberwars See Slow Progress

Rules of cyberwar engagement are lagging behind world powers' development of their cyberwarfare capabilities.  Meanwhile, cyberwarfare funding continues to rise...

From ACM TechNews

It Will Soon Be Too Late to Stop the Cyberwars

Clearly defining cyberwar is problematic because there are various levels of cyberespionage and tactics that create uncertainty, writes Bruce Schneier.

Cerf Warns Over Address Space Squeeze
From ACM TechNews

Cerf Warns Over Address Space Squeeze

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf is raising the alarm about the effect the impending depletion of IPv4 addresses will have on the Internet. Once IPv4...

From ACM News

Hackers Turn Attention to Corporate Data Theft

Financial services and professional services are the most vulnerable to information theft, with four out of 10 companies reporting some sort of loss or attack...

From ACM News

Google to Map Inflation Using Web Data

Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the "Google Price Index"—a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative...

From ACM News

Chinese and Saudis Lead Way in Internet Use

People in China and the Middle East are the busiest and most enthusiastic internet users, a study of the world’s online habits has revealed.

From ACM TechNews

Powerful Argument for Cutting IT Energy Consumption

Although technology is growing more and more energy efficient, more innovation is needed to offset the growing use of computers in countries such as India and China...

Wikileaks: Hard Facts and a Hacker Ethos
From ACM News

Wikileaks: Hard Facts and a Hacker Ethos

Julian Assange has been hailed as a hero of investigative journalism and condemned as a risk to national security. Wikileaks, the site of which he is director,...

Sinister Take on Search Engine Optimization
From ACM TechNews

Sinister Take on Search Engine Optimization

Cybercriminals are increasingly using SEO to trick computer users into visiting malicious websites, according to security researchers. In one tactic, cybercriminals...

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe
From ACM TechNews

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe

The European Roundtable of Industrialists says that Europe needs to take action to encourage people to become engineers or risk losing out to India and China. 

From ACM News

Google Ditches Windows on Security Concerns

Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.

Scientist Infects Himself With Computer Virus
From ACM TechNews

Scientist Infects Himself With Computer Virus

University of Reading scientist Mark Gasson has deliberately infected himself with a computer virus in order to study the potential risks of implanting electronic...

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Plan to Make Hacking Harder Revealed

The Obama administration has declassified part of its plan to improve the security of cyberspace in an attempt to cultivate greater collaboration between government...

From ACM TechNews

China Set For Global Lead in Scientific Research

China has demonstrated the most growth in scientific research of any country in the past three decades and is on pace to overtake the United States as the world's...
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