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authorIDG News Service

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Xerox Parc's New Chip Will Self Destruct in 10 Seconds
From ACM TechNews

Xerox Parc's New Chip Will Self Destruct in 10 Seconds

Engineers at Xerox PARC have developed a chip that can self-destruct upon command, making it potentially suitable for high-security applications.

Even Encrypted Medical Record Databases Leak Information
From ACM TechNews

Even Encrypted Medical Record Databases Leak Information

Many types of databases used for electronic medical records are vulnerable to leaking information, according to a new study from Microsoft researchers.  

Super-Intelligent Machines Spawned By Ai? Execs Aren't Worried
From ACM TechNews

Super-Intelligent Machines Spawned By Ai? Execs Aren't Worried

Technology experts at an artificial intelligence-themed event were dismissive of scenarios in which super-intelligent machines eventually surpass human intelligence...

Vint Cerf: 'sometimes I'm Terrified' By the Iot
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf: 'sometimes I'm Terrified' By the Iot

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf says he finds certain aspects of the Internet of Things particularly worrisome. 

Go On – Bend, Punch, and Step On This Transistor
From ACM TechNews

Go On – Bend, Punch, and Step On This Transistor

Researchers at Japan's AIST and the Japan Science and Technology Agency have developed stretchable, tough electronics that could be incorporated into clothing,...

Internet Voting Not Ready Yet, but Can Be Made More Secure
From ACM TechNews

Internet Voting Not Ready Yet, but Can Be Made More Secure

Online voting systems lack sufficient security to ensure accurate vote counts, but election officials could take steps to improve their security and transparency...

Alabama Researcher Devises a Way to Harness ­nused Iot Power
From ACM TechNews

Alabama Researcher Devises a Way to Harness ­nused Iot Power

Researchers have developed a computer architecture that can harness the unused computer cycles generated by smart home devices. 

Hacker Turns Toy Into Tool That Can Open Garage Doors in Seconds
From ACM TechNews

Hacker Turns Toy Into Tool That Can Open Garage Doors in Seconds

Security researcher Samy Kamkar has developed an attack for fixed-code garage door openers. 

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today
From ACM TechNews

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today

Google says its self-driving cars will be good for road safety because they can pay better attention to the road than humans do. 

Researchers Hack Sony Headset to Simulate Autism
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Hack Sony Headset to Simulate Autism

Japanese researchers have used an experimental headset to simulate the vision and hearing of people with autism spectrum disorder. 

Google's Project Loon Close to Launching Thousands of Balloons
From ACM TechNews

Google's Project Loon Close to Launching Thousands of Balloons

Google is close to launching thousands of balloons in an effort to provide Internet access from the sky. 

Amazing Bug-Sized Robots Can Build Microstructures
From ACM TechNews

Amazing Bug-Sized Robots Can Build Microstructures

Researchers at SRI International have developed tiny robots that can manufacture microstructures too small and complex to be built by current machinery or by hand...

U.s. Challenges China in Supercomputing Race With 180-Petaflop System
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Challenges China in Supercomputing Race With 180-Petaflop System

The United States, in an attempt to surpass China in the supercomputing arms race, plans to build a 180-petaflop supercomputer called Aurora. 

Goodbye Gps? DARPA Prepares New Tracking Technology
From ACM TechNews

Goodbye Gps? DARPA Prepares New Tracking Technology

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing more advanced position- and navigation-tracking technology. 

To Avert Another Heartbleed, Open Source Group Narrows List of Projects in Need of Support
From ACM TechNews

To Avert Another Heartbleed, Open Source Group Narrows List of Projects in Need of Support

The Core Infrastructure Initiative was formed to identify and provide extra funding to critical open source projects that need help ensuring the security of their...

Fujitsu Psychology Tool Profiles ­sers for Risk of Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Fujitsu Psychology Tool Profiles ­sers for Risk of Cyberattacks

Fujitsu researchers are integrating psychology into profiling software to make computer security more personalized. 

FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules in February
From ACM TechNews

FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules in February

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Friday announced it will hold a vote on new net neutrality rules during its upcoming February meeting. 

6 Technologies that Will Change Pcs in 2015
From ACM TechNews

6 Technologies that Will Change Pcs in 2015

Six disruptive technologies could change the face of computing in 2015. 

Facebook's Flow Could Help Javascript Programmers Spot Elusive Bugs
From ACM TechNews

Facebook's Flow Could Help Javascript Programmers Spot Elusive Bugs

Facebook researchers have developed Flow, an open source debugging tool for JavaScript designed to highlight problems caused by the misuse of data types. 

Molecular Flash Memory Could Store Massive Amounts of Data
From ACM TechNews

Molecular Flash Memory Could Store Massive Amounts of Data

Novel molecules could help expand the storage capacity of flash memory, which is widely used in mobile devices such as smartphones. 
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