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subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorIDG News Service

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect
From ACM TechNews

Cray's Next Supercomputer Has Speedy Interconnect

Cray's new XC30 supercomputer, known as Aries, features a new interconnect and a new routing topology that together could dramatically improve internal bandwidth...

From ACM TechNews

Science: Too Many Connections Weakens Networks

University of California, Davis researchers have found that when it comes to linking together networks or other systems, it is best to have many, but not too many...

Ibm's Molecular Images May Help Nanoscale Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Molecular Images May Help Nanoscale Circuits

IBM researchers have succeeded in imaging how charge is distributed inside a single molecule, a breakthrough that could lead to nanometer-scale circuits.  

China to Build More Supercomputers With Homegrown Chips
From ACM TechNews

China to Build More Supercomputers With Homegrown Chips

China will rely less on chips made by foreign companies for its supercomputers over the next five years, says the National Supercomputer Center's Pan Jingshan.

Intel Runs PC on CPU Powered by Solar Cell
From ACM TechNews

Intel Runs PC on CPU Powered by Solar Cell

Intel recently demonstrated Claremont, an experimental low-power processor the size of a postage stamp that could run PCs using solar power by dropping energy consumption...

From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Research Virtualizes Idle Desktops to Save Power

Microsoft Research India scientists have developed LiteGreen, power-saving technology that can virtualize enterprise desktops in a virtual machine and migrate them...

Two Rival Supercomputers Duke It Out For Top Spot
From ACM News

Two Rival Supercomputers Duke It Out For Top Spot

A Cray supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has regained the title of the world's most powerful supercomputer, overtaking the installation that was ranked...

Study Shows Improvements in Quality of Open Source Code
From ACM TechNews

Study Shows Improvements in Quality of Open Source Code

Code analysis vendor Coverity reports that the number of defects in open source projects is on the decline. 

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work
From ACM TechNews

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work

The new Fujitsu FX1 supercomputer in Japan has a peak performance of 110.6 teraflops, making it the most powerful machine in Japan and the most efficient supercomputer...

From ACM TechNews

Howard S. Smith: Will Robotics Advance on the Battlefield?

Optimal Robotics founder Howard S. Smith says the military is the most likely place for artificially intelligent machines. Developing the technology that will be...
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