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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorIEEE Spectrum

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Plans to Demonstrate the Supremacy of Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Google Plans to Demonstrate the Supremacy of Quantum Computing

Google researchers say they plan to demonstrate "quantum supremacy" by year's end.

The Benefits of Old Age (for Transistors)
From ACM News

The Benefits of Old Age (for Transistors)

In case you didn't know, the transistors in your computer's processor, your smartphone's memory, and your car's autobrake system get old.

Robot Ray Swims ­sing High-Voltage Artificial Muscles
From ACM TechNews

Robot Ray Swims ­sing High-Voltage Artificial Muscles

Researchers have developed a robotic ray that is propelled by soft, flapping wings made of dielectric elastomers, which bend when electricity is applied to them...

We Know What You're Watching (even If It's Encrypted)
From ACM News

We Know What You're Watching (even If It's Encrypted)

I stand firm in the opinion that it's my basic, human right to binge-watch six hours of trashy detective shows on a Friday night with a silent phone in my lap and...

Inkjet-Printed Flexible Memory Devices
From ACM TechNews

Inkjet-Printed Flexible Memory Devices

Researchers have developed flexible, inkjet-printable memory cells they say could lead to mass-produced printable electronics. T

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious
From ACM TechNews

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working to make the process of a robot autonomously grasping an object easier.

Amoeba-Like Robot Programmed With Dna
From ACM TechNews

Amoeba-Like Robot Programmed With Dna

Researchers have developed a tiny robotic system that is programmed and controlled by DNA and moves like a living cell.

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board
From ACM TechNews

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board

University of Michigan computer scientists are researching micro mote computers.

Superfast Camera Sees Shock Wave from Light
From ACM News

Superfast Camera Sees Shock Wave from Light

A camera system that captures a snapshot of overlapping light waves in a tiny fraction of a second could lead to new methods for imaging, allowing scientists to...

Intel Finds Moore's Law’s Next Step at 10 Nanometers
From ACM News

Intel Finds Moore's Law’s Next Step at 10 Nanometers

These days, forecasts about the future of Moore's Law tend to look quite gloomy. But Intel's outlook—at least for the next few years—is decidedly bright.

Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs of Trouble
From ACM News

Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs of Trouble

Driving your car until it breaks down on the road is never anyone's favorite way to learn the need for routine maintenance.

Motion-Planning Chip Speeds Robots
From ACM TechNews

Motion-Planning Chip Speeds Robots

Duke University researchers say they have developed a custom processor to perform robotic motion planning that accelerates the process by three orders of magnitude...

Mit's Modular Robotic Chain Is Whatever You Want It to Be
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Modular Robotic Chain Is Whatever You Want It to Be

Researchers have developed an improved version of last year's LineFORM multifunctional snake robot that introduces modularity to the system.

Indium Selenide Takes on the Mantle of the New Wonder Material
From ACM News

Indium Selenide Takes on the Mantle of the New Wonder Material

Is there a research institute with a more distinguished pedigree in graphene research than the University of Manchester?

Robots With Warm Skin Know What They're Touching
From ACM TechNews

Robots With Warm Skin Know What They're Touching

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new kind of robotic skin that incorporates active heating.  

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff
From ACM TechNews

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's GRASP Lab are working to develop autonomous quadcopters that can fly through windows without running into them.

Leading Chipmakers Eye Euv Lithography to Save Moore's Law
From ACM News

Leading Chipmakers Eye Euv Lithography to Save Moore's Law

Even after you don a bunny suit and get deep inside Fab 8, it's hard to get a sense of scale.

Fujitsu Memory Tech Speeds Up Deep-Learning AI
From ACM TechNews

Fujitsu Memory Tech Speeds Up Deep-Learning AI

Japan-based Fujitsu has developed an approach to accelerating parallel computing driven by deep-learning neural network algorithms.

Cheap Lidar: The Key to Makingself-Driving Cars Affordable
From ACM News

Cheap Lidar: The Key to Makingself-Driving Cars Affordable

Chances are you've never seen a fully autonomous self-driving car out on the street.

Carbon Nanotube Transistors Finally Outperform Silicon
From ACM News

Carbon Nanotube Transistors Finally Outperform Silicon

Back in the 1990s, observers predicted that the single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) would be the nanomaterial that pushed silicon aside and created a post-CMOS...
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