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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorJet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Study Maps Rate of New Orleans Sinking
From ACM News

New Study Maps Rate of New Orleans Sinking

New Orleans and surrounding areas continue to sink at highly variable rates due to a combination of natural geologic and human-induced processes, finds a new NASA...

Nasa's K2 Mission: The Kepler Space Telescope's Second Chance to Shine
From ACM News

Nasa's K2 Mission: The Kepler Space Telescope's Second Chance to Shine

The engineers huddled around a telemetry screen, and the mood was tense. They were watching streams of data from a crippled spacecraft more than 50 million miles...

Particles in Love: Quantum Mechanics Explored in New Study
From ACM News

Particles in Love: Quantum Mechanics Explored in New Study

Here's a love story at the smallest scales imaginable: particles of light.

Study: Long-Term Global Warming Needs External Drivers
From ACM News

Study: Long-Term Global Warming Needs External Drivers

A study by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, shows, in detail, the reason why...

Nasa Finds New Way to Track Ocean Currents from Space
From ACM News

Nasa Finds New Way to Track Ocean Currents from Space

A team of NASA and university scientists has developed a new way to use satellite measurements to track changes in Atlantic Ocean currents, which are a driving...

The Fingerprints of Sea Level Rise
From ACM News

The Fingerprints of Sea Level Rise

When you fill a sink, the water rises at the same rate to the same height in every corner. That's not the way it works with our rising seas.

Warming Seas and Melting Ice Sheets
From ACM News

Warming Seas and Melting Ice Sheets

Sea level rise is a natural consequence of the warming of our planet.

Nasa Explains Why June 30 Will Get Extra Second
From ACM News

Nasa Explains Why June 30 Will Get Extra Second

The day will officially be a bit longer than usual on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, because an extra second, or "leap" second, will be added.

Nasa Soil Moisture Mission Begins Science Operations
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Nasa Soil Moisture Mission Begins Science Operations

NASA's new Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to map global soil moisture and detect whether soils are frozen or thawed has begun science operations.

How Dry Is Texas? Smap, Txson Network Aim to Find Out
From ACM News

How Dry Is Texas? Smap, Txson Network Aim to Find Out

A new network of sensors in the bone-dry Texas hill country will produce detailed data on soil moisture—when there is any.

NASA Aids Response to Nepal Quake
From ACM News

NASA Aids Response to Nepal Quake

NASA and its partners are gathering the best available science and information on the April 25, 2015, magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal, referred to as the Gorkha...

Jpl Celebrates Hubble's 25th Anniversary
From ACM News

Jpl Celebrates Hubble's 25th Anniversary

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the world's first space telescope. Hubble images have revealed a vast and colorful...

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning
From ACM News

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning

Smartphones and other personal electronic devices could, in regions where they are in widespread use, function as early warning systems for large earthquakes, according...

On Pi Day, How Scientists Use This Number
From ACM Careers

On Pi Day, How Scientists Use This Number

If you like numbers, you will love March 14, 2015.

Nasa Spacecraft Nears Historic Dwarf Planet Arrival
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Nears Historic Dwarf Planet Arrival

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned new images captured on approach to its historic orbit insertion at the dwarf planet Ceres.

Tiny U.s. Region Is Methane 'hot Spot,' Nasa Finds
From ACM News

Tiny U.s. Region Is Methane 'hot Spot,' Nasa Finds

One small "hot spot" in the U.S. Southwest is responsible for producing the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane seen over the United States—more...

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain
From ACM News

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has reached the Red Planet's Mount Sharp, a Mount-Rainier-size mountain at the center of the vast Gale Crater and the rover mission's...

Nasa Telescopes ­ncover Early Construction of Giant Galaxy
From ACM News

Nasa Telescopes ­ncover Early Construction of Giant Galaxy

Astronomers have for the first time caught a glimpse of the earliest stages of massive galaxy construction.

Nasa Pluto-Bound Spacecraft Crosses Neptune's Orbit
From ACM News

Nasa Pluto-Bound Spacecraft Crosses Neptune's Orbit

NASA's Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft has traversed the orbit of Neptune. This is its last major crossing en route to becoming the first probe to make a close...

Voyager Map Details Neptune's Strange Moon Triton
From ACM News

Voyager Map Details Neptune's Strange Moon Triton

NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft gave humanity its first close-up look at Neptune and its moon Triton in the summer of 1989.
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