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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPersonal Computing
authorJet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Take a Walk on Mars, in Your Own Living Room
From ACM News

Take a Walk on Mars, in Your Own Living Room

When NASA scientists want to follow the path of the Curiosity rover on Mars, they can don a mixed-reality headset and virtually explore the Martian landscape.

A Wi-Fi Reflector Chip To Speed ­p Wearables
From ACM News

A Wi-Fi Reflector Chip To Speed ­p Wearables

Whether you're tracking your steps, monitoring your health or sending photos from a smart watch, you want the battery life of your wearable device to last as long...

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning
From ACM News

Researchers Test Smartphones For Earthquake Warning

Smartphones and other personal electronic devices could, in regions where they are in widespread use, function as early warning systems for large earthquakes, according...

Nasa Releases Tool Enabling Citizen Scientists to Examine Asteroid Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa Releases Tool Enabling Citizen Scientists to Examine Asteroid Vesta

NASA has announced the release of Vesta Trek, a free, web-based application that provides detailed visualizations of Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in our...

Nasa Invites the Public to Fly Along with Voyager
From ACM News

Nasa Invites the Public to Fly Along with Voyager

 A gauge on the Voyager home page,, tracks levels of two of the three key signs scientists believe will appear when the spacecraft leave...
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