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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorKeith Kirkpatrick

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Keeping Students Educated and Engaged
From ACM News

Keeping Students Educated and Engaged

The use of distance learning has grown quickly in primary education, in response to school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Across the Language Barrier
From Communications of the ACM

Across the Language Barrier

Translation devices are getting better at making speech and text understandable in different languages.

Tracking Shoppers
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking Shoppers

Retailers of all stripes are using technology to follow consumers through their brick-and-mortar stores in order to develop detailed profiles of their shopping...

Protecting Industrial Control Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Protecting Industrial Control Systems

Finding, and plugging, the security holes in SCADA.

Electronics Need Rare Earths
From Communications of the ACM

Electronics Need Rare Earths

Demand is expected to spike over the next few years, leading to higher prices and international trade issues.

Technologizing Agriculture
From Communications of the ACM

Technologizing Agriculture

An array of technologies are making farms more efficient, safer, and profitable.

Bringing the Internet to the (Developing) World
From Communications of the ACM

Bringing the Internet to the (Developing) World

A growing number of low-cost (and free!) solutions aim to open the Internet to developing regions.

3D Sensors Provide Security, Better Games
From Communications of the ACM

3D Sensors Provide Security, Better Games

A variety of techniques allow sensors to locate and recognize objects in space.

Autonomous Construction Vehicles Are Building the Future
From ACM News

Autonomous Construction Vehicles Are Building the Future

Self-operated construction vehicles will gain traction long before self-driving cars.

3D-Printing Human Body Parts
From Communications of the ACM

3D-Printing Human Body Parts

Bioprinting has generated bones, cartilage, and some muscles; hearts and livers are still years away.

Bionics in Competition
From Communications of the ACM

Bionics in Competition

Developers of innovative assistive devices compete as a means of networking with each other.

Financing the Dark Web
From Communications of the ACM

Financing the Dark Web

Cryptocurrencies are enabling illegal or immoral transactions in the dark corners of the Internet.

It's Not the Algorithm, It's the Data
From Communications of the ACM

It's Not the Algorithm, It's the Data

In risk assessment and predictive policing, biased data can yield biased results.

Can We Trust Autonomous Weapons?
From Communications of the ACM

Can We Trust Autonomous Weapons?

Nations consider using defense systems that can make their own lethal decisions.

Legal Advice on the Smartphone
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Advice on the Smartphone

New apps help individuals contest traffic, parking tickets.

Search Engine's Author Profiles Now Driven By Influence Metrics
From ACM News

Search Engine's Author Profiles Now Driven By Influence Metrics

"It’s important to be selective," says CEO Etzioni.

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled
From Communications of the ACM

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled

Researchers consider how to adapt broadly available technology products for those battling physical impairments.

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs

Whether sitting in front of a screen or in a classroom, online and campus-based institutions want to verify students actually attend classes, take exams.

Cyber Policies on the Rise
From Communications of the ACM

Cyber Policies on the Rise

A growing number of companies are taking out cybersecurity insurance policies to protect themselves from the costs of data breaches.

The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars
From Communications of the ACM

The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars

Autonomous vehicles will need to decide on a course of action when presented with multiple less-than-ideal outcomes.
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