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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorKeith Kirkpatrick

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Legal Advice on the Smartphone
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Advice on the Smartphone

New apps help individuals contest traffic, parking tickets.

Avoiding the Crush
From ACM News

Avoiding the Crush

Using algorithms to anticipate crowd behavior.

Coding as Sport
From Communications of the ACM

Coding as Sport

Programming competitions help identify and reward those who excel in coding.

Did You Really Write That?
From ACM News

Did You Really Write That?

Online software is helping to thwart plagiarism.

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled
From Communications of the ACM

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled

Researchers consider how to adapt broadly available technology products for those battling physical impairments.

Advertising via Algorithm
From ACM News

Advertising via Algorithm

Global programmatic advertising is projected to account for 60% of all digital display ads this year.

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Brings Online Education in Line with Campus Programs

Whether sitting in front of a screen or in a classroom, online and campus-based institutions want to verify students actually attend classes, take exams.

AI Researchers Call For Ban on Autonomous Weapons
From ACM News

AI Researchers Call For Ban on Autonomous Weapons

Technologists ask the UN to outlaw weapons that operate outside of human control.

The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars
From Communications of the ACM

The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars

Autonomous vehicles will need to decide on a course of action when presented with multiple less-than-ideal outcomes.

Smart Home Technologies Fit New Homes and Retrofits
From ACM News

Smart Home Technologies Fit New Homes and Retrofits

Most home builders now offer smart technology options for new homes, but the aftermarket holds great promise, and greater affordability as well.

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism
From Communications of the ACM

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism

News organizations increasingly use techniques like data mining, Web scraping, and data visualization to uncover information that would be impossible to identify...

Automating Organic Synthesis
From Communications of the ACM

Automating Organic Synthesis

A machine that could create organic molecules on demand awaits appropriate software and analytical components.

Using Technology to Help People
From Communications of the ACM

Using Technology to Help People

Companies are creating technological solutions for individuals, then generalizing them to broader populations that need similar assistance.

Sensors For Seniors
From Communications of the ACM

Sensors For Seniors

In-home technologies are helping seniors stay aware, healthy, and in touch.

Electronics in the Operating Room
From ACM News

Electronics in the Operating Room

Electronic devices increasingly are being incorporated into surgical procedures on a functional level.

Surgical Robots Deliver Care More Precisely
From Communications of the ACM

Surgical Robots Deliver Care More Precisely

Computer-controlled robotic surgical systems and tumor-targeting radiation systems provide a greater level of precision in treatment than doctors alone can provide...

World Without Wires
From Communications of the ACM

World Without Wires

Capturing electricity from ambient RF transmissions can keep low-power applications off the grid.

Legal Issues with Robots
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Issues with Robots

Who is responsible when property is damaged or someone is injured by an automated system? Existing product liability laws have not yet been tested in the context...

Software-Defined Networking
From Communications of the ACM

Software-Defined Networking

Novel architecture allows programmers to quickly reconfigure network resource usage.
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