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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Basis For All Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

A Basis For All Cryptography

The inability to practically apply indistinguishability obfuscation to deliver secure cryptography may be mitigated with an efficient method for functional encryption...

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Change in the Alzheimer's Brain

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing a computer system that uses multiple types of data to help predict the effects of disease on brain...

More-Flexible Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

More-Flexible Machine Learning

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers plan to present a machine-learning technique that enables semantically-related concepts to reinforce each other...

Ethical Trials, Targeted Ads
From ACM TechNews

Ethical Trials, Targeted Ads

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Philippe Rigollet and colleagues have developed an approach they say increases the effectiveness of online ads.

Learning Spoken Language
From ACM TechNews

Learning Spoken Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a machine-learning system that can learn to distinguish spoken words.

Crash-Tolerant Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Crash-Tolerant Data Storage

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed what they call the first computer file system that ensures no loss of data when the system crashes...

Could a Pen Change How We Diagnose Brain Function?
From ACM TechNews

Could a Pen Change How We Diagnose Brain Function?

Researchers have used artificial intelligence and a digital pen to diagnose dementia earlier than ever before. 

Giving Robots a More Nimble Grasp
From ACM News

Giving Robots a More Nimble Grasp

Most robots on a factory floor are fairly ham-handed: Equipped with large pincers or claws, they are designed to perform simple maneuvers, such as grabbing an object...

Object Recognition For Robots
From ACM News

Object Recognition For Robots

John Leonard's group in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering specializes in SLAM, or simultaneous localization and mapping, the technique whereby mobile...

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply
From ACM TechNews

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply

Researchers say they have developed a statistical technique that yields better wind-speed predictions than existing techniques. 

Automatic Bug Repair
From ACM News

Automatic Bug Repair

At the Association for Computing Machinery's Programming Language Design and Implementation conference this month, MIT researchers presented a new system that repairs...

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?
From ACM TechNews

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?

A multi-university team of researchers has demonstrated that mobile phone data can provide rapid insight into changing employment levels. 

To Handle Big Data, Shrink It
From ACM TechNews

To Handle Big Data, Shrink It

A new algorithm finds the smallest possible approximation of a matrix that guarantees reliable computations. 

Artbot Engineers the Discovery of Art
From ACM TechNews

Artbot Engineers the Discovery of Art

Artbot is a new mobile website app that mines both user preferences and event tags to provide users with connections to the local art scene. 

MIT Engineers Hand 'cognitive' Control to ­nderwater Robots
From ACM TechNews

MIT Engineers Hand 'cognitive' Control to ­nderwater Robots

Researchers have developed a new approach to programming autonomous underwater vehicles that increases their "cognitive" capabilities.

Researchers ­nravel Secrets of Hidden Waves
From ACM News

Researchers ­nravel Secrets of Hidden Waves

Detailed new field studies, laboratory experiments, and simulations of the largest known "internal waves" in the Earth's oceans—phenomena that play a key role in...

Graphics in Reverse
From ACM TechNews

Graphics in Reverse

Programs of less than 50 lines in a probabilistic programming language are as effective as conventional systems for completing some standard computer-vision tasks...

Better Sensors For Medical Imaging, Contraband Detection
From ACM News

Better Sensors For Medical Imaging, Contraband Detection

MIT researchers have developed a new, ultrasensitive magnetic-field detector that is 1,000 times more energy-efficient than its predecessors. It could lead to miniaturized...

Wear Your Social Network
From ACM TechNews

Wear Your Social Network

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab students are making it easier for people to make connections by broadcasting their social media interests offline...

Diagnosis By Keyboard
From ACM News

Diagnosis By Keyboard

Analyzing people's keystrokes as they type on a computer keyboard can reveal a great deal of information about the state of their motor function, according to a...
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