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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Self-Driving Golf Carts
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Golf Carts

The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology recently conducted an experiment in which self-driving golf carts carried 500 tourists around winding paths...

­avs Learn to Fly Solo
From ACM TechNews

­avs Learn to Fly Solo

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Robust Robotics Group want to teach unmanned aerial vehicles and other robots to think for themselves...

Making the New Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Making the New Silicon

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say they have developed gallium nitride transistors to power electronic circuits.

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply
From ACM TechNews

Siting Wind Farms More Quickly, Cheaply

Researchers say they have developed a statistical technique that yields better wind-speed predictions than existing techniques. 

Computing at the Speed of Light
From ACM TechNews

Computing at the Speed of Light

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Sergio Cantu studies how light can act as an information carrier in computing and calculating. 

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?
From ACM TechNews

Can Phone Data Detect Real-Time Unemployment?

A multi-university team of researchers has demonstrated that mobile phone data can provide rapid insight into changing employment levels. 

Artbot Engineers the Discovery of Art
From ACM TechNews

Artbot Engineers the Discovery of Art

Artbot is a new mobile website app that mines both user preferences and event tags to provide users with connections to the local art scene. 

Researchers ­nravel Secrets of Hidden Waves
From ACM News

Researchers ­nravel Secrets of Hidden Waves

Detailed new field studies, laboratory experiments, and simulations of the largest known "internal waves" in the Earth's oceans—phenomena that play a key role in...

"fingerprinting" Chips to Fight Counterfeiting
From ACM TechNews

"fingerprinting" Chips to Fight Counterfeiting

Researchers are using microscopic variations to "fingerprint" silicon chips used in consumer-product tags to combat product counterfeiting. 

Deans Announce New Institute For Data, Systems, and Society
From ACM TechNews

Deans Announce New Institute For Data, Systems, and Society

On July 1, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will officially launch the  Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.

Crowdsourced Tool For Depression
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourced Tool For Depression

A new peer-to-peer networking tool enables people suffering from anxiety and depression to build online support communities and practice therapeutic methods. 

Satellite Imagery Can Aid Development Projects
From ACM TechNews

Satellite Imagery Can Aid Development Projects

New software can identify houses in rural villages from satellite images, potentially saving time that would otherwise be spent sending teams from village to village...

Six Keys to Sports Analytics
From ACM Careers

Six Keys to Sports Analytics

The ninth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) was the biggest meeting yet of sports-data experts: More than 3,100 people attended the event last...

Radio Chip For the "internet of Things"
From ACM TechNews

Radio Chip For the "internet of Things"

A new wireless transmitter design reduces off-state leakage 100-fold while providing adequate power for Bluetooth or 802.15.4 transmissions.

Researchers Generate a Reference Map of the Human Epigenome
From ACM News

Researchers Generate a Reference Map of the Human Epigenome

The sequencing of the human genome laid the foundation for the study of genetic variation and its links to a wide range of diseases. But the genome itself is only...

Lincoln Laboratory Hosts First 'make Your Own Wearables' Workshop For High-School Girls
From ACM TechNews

Lincoln Laboratory Hosts First 'make Your Own Wearables' Workshop For High-School Girls

Mechanical engineer Kristen Railey, founder of Girls Who Build, recently hosted a pilot workshop for high school girls at a federally funded research and development...

How to Predict Responses to Disease
From ACM TechNews

How to Predict Responses to Disease

Researchers have developed a computer model that could help public health officials take steps to limit the dangers of a disease outbreak. 

Vision System For Household Robots
From ACM TechNews

Vision System For Household Robots

A new algorithm can aggregate perspectives and recognize four times as many objects as one that uses a single perspective, while reducing misidentifications. 

Diagnostic Exhalations
From ACM TechNews

Diagnostic Exhalations

Researchers say an algorithm they developed can accurately determine whether a patient is suffering from emphysema or heart failure based on their breath.

­nderwater Robot For Port Security
From ACM TechNews

­nderwater Robot For Port Security

A new submersible robot has a flattened panel on one side so it can slide along an underwater surface to perform ultrasound scans. 
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