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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Crowdsourced Tool For Depression
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourced Tool For Depression

A new peer-to-peer networking tool enables people suffering from anxiety and depression to build online support communities and practice therapeutic methods. 

Teaching Programming to Preschoolers
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Programming to Preschoolers

Researchers are developing a system that enables young children to program interactive robots by placing stickers on laminated sheets of paper. 

Six Keys to Sports Analytics
From ACM Careers

Six Keys to Sports Analytics

The ninth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) was the biggest meeting yet of sports-data experts: More than 3,100 people attended the event last...

Can an Led-Filled "robot Garden" Make Coding More Accessible?
From ACM TechNews

Can an Led-Filled "robot Garden" Make Coding More Accessible?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say their new tablet-operated system serves as a visual embodiment of their latest work in distributed computing...

Lincoln Laboratory Hosts First 'make Your Own Wearables' Workshop For High-School Girls
From ACM TechNews

Lincoln Laboratory Hosts First 'make Your Own Wearables' Workshop For High-School Girls

Mechanical engineer Kristen Railey, founder of Girls Who Build, recently hosted a pilot workshop for high school girls at a federally funded research and development...

Optimizing Optimization Algorithms
From ACM News

Optimizing Optimization Algorithms

Optimization algorithms, which try to find the minimum values of mathematical functions, are everywhere in engineering. Among other things, they're used to evaluate...

How to Predict Responses to Disease
From ACM TechNews

How to Predict Responses to Disease

Researchers have developed a computer model that could help public health officials take steps to limit the dangers of a disease outbreak. 

What 6.9 Million Clicks Tell ­S About How to Fix Online Education
From ACM TechNews

What 6.9 Million Clicks Tell ­S About How to Fix Online Education

Researchers at the MIT have analyzed data from Harvard University and MIT's shared online learning platform to gain a richer understanding of what makes massively...

Collaborative Learning--For Robots
From ACM TechNews

Collaborative Learning--For Robots

A new algorithm enables independent agents to collaborate on a machine-learning model without aggregating data. 

Bake Your Own Robot
From ACM News

Bake Your Own Robot

Printable robots—those that can be assembled from parts produced by 3-D printers—have long been a topic of research in the lab of Daniela Rus, the Andrew and Erna...

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems
From ACM TechNews

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems

A new computer system can automatically solve the type of word problems common in introductory algebra classes. 

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing
From ACM News

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing

Soft robots—which don’t just have soft exteriors but are also powered by fluid flowing through flexible channels—have become a sufficiently popular research topic...

Self-Completing Programs
From ACM TechNews

Self-Completing Programs

The Sketch programming language enables programmers to leave out some coding details, with Sketch filling in the blanks. 

Self-Completing Programs
From ACM News

Self-Completing Programs

Since he was a graduate student, Armando Solar-Lezama, an associate professor in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has been working...

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft
From ACM News

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft

It's hard to miss the rocket engine in Paulo Lozano's MIT office.

New Kind of Microscope Uses Neutrons
From ACM News

New Kind of Microscope Uses Neutrons

Researchers at MIT, working with partners at NASA, have developed a new concept for a microscope that would use neutrons—subatomic particles with no electrical...

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...

Terramechanics Research Aims to Keep Mars Rovers Rolling
From ACM News

Terramechanics Research Aims to Keep Mars Rovers Rolling

In May 2009, the Mars rover Spirit cracked through a crusty layer of Martian topsoil, sinking into softer underlying sand.

Automatically Grading Programming Homework
From ACM TechNews

Automatically Grading Programming Homework

Researchers have created software that points out inaccuracies in student programming and offers suggestions for improvement. 

Online Learning Tool Brings 'the Crowd' Into Homework Assignments
From ACM TechNews

Online Learning Tool Brings 'the Crowd' Into Homework Assignments

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed Caesar, a computer system designed to provide students with feedback on their homework assignments...
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