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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPersonal Computing
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How to Control Complex Networks
From ACM News

How to Control Complex Networks

At first glance, a diagram of the complex network of genes that regulate cellular metabolism might seem hopelessly complex, and efforts to control such a system...

Learning Science Through Gaming
From ACM News

Learning Science Through Gaming

An MIT-produced interactive game, "Vanished," now being played by thousands online, offers a novel experiment in alternative science education.

Constant Connection
From ACM News

Constant Connection

For most of the 20th century, the paradigm of wireless communication was a radio station with a single high-power transmitter. As long as you were within 20 miles...

Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv
From ACM News

Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv

Network coding is an innovative new approach to network design that promises much more efficient use of bandwidth, and MIT researchers have made seminal contributions...

Dueling Algorithms
From ACM News

Dueling Algorithms

There's an old joke about two hikers on a trail, one wearing hiking boots and the other running shoes. "Why the running shoes?" the first hiker asks. "In case...

When the Playroom Is the Computer
From ACM News

When the Playroom Is the Computer

A block-shaped robot that seems to roll onto a computer screen is part of an educational-media system that gets kids out of their chairs.

Social Studies
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Social Studies

In MIT's Human Dynamics Lab, Sandy Pentland uses cellphones and wearable sensors to research nonverbal signals, information flow, and the value of face-to-face...

Tv Outside the Box
From ACM TechNews

Tv Outside the Box

MIT researchers have developed Surround Vision, a system that works with Internet-connected handheld devices to enable TV viewers to see what is happening off screen...

Virus-Built Battery Could Power Cars, Electronic Devices
From ACM TechNews

Virus-Built Battery Could Power Cars, Electronic Devices

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers led by professor Angela Belcher have developed batteries by genetically engineering viruses to build the...
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