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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Parallelizing Common Algorithms
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Parallelizing Common Algorithms

Every undergraduate computer-science major takes a course on data structures, which describes different ways of organizing data in a computer’s memory.

Optimizing Optimization Algorithms
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Optimizing Optimization Algorithms

Optimization algorithms, which try to find the minimum values of mathematical functions, are everywhere in engineering. Among other things, they're used to evaluate...

Vision System For Household Robots
From ACM News

Vision System For Household Robots

For household robots ever to be practical, they'll need to be able to recognize the objects they're supposed to manipulate.

Spin Designers
From ACM TechNews

Spin Designers

The Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures wants to use the spin of electrons on nanomagnets to encode zeros and ones in computers...

New Way to Turn Genes On
From ACM News

New Way to Turn Genes On

Using a gene-editing system originally developed to delete specific genes, MIT researchers have now shown that they can reliably turn on any gene of their choosing...

New Device Could Make Large Biological Circuits Practical
From ACM TechNews

New Device Could Make Large Biological Circuits Practical

Researchers have developed a new kind of load driver that could enable biological circuits to behave almost as predictably as electronic circuits. 

Diagnostic Exhalations
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Diagnostic Exhalations

Researchers say an algorithm they developed can accurately determine whether a patient is suffering from emphysema or heart failure based on their breath.

MIT Computer Scientists Can Predict the Price of Bitcoin
From ACM TechNews

MIT Computer Scientists Can Predict the Price of Bitcoin

Researchers have developed a machine-learning algorithm that can predict the price of Bitcoin. 

Solid Nanoparticles Can Deform Like a Liquid
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Solid Nanoparticles Can Deform Like a Liquid

A surprising phenomenon has been found in metal nanoparticles: They appear, from the outside, to be liquid droplets, wobbling and readily changing shape, while...

Bound for Robotic Glory
From ACM TechNews

Bound for Robotic Glory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  researchers have developed an algorithm for bounding, and successfully implemented it in a robotic cheetah. 

Where to Grab Space Debris
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Where to Grab Space Debris

Objects in space tend to spin—and spin in a way that's totally different from the way they spin on earth.

Origami Robot Folds Itself ­p, Crawls Away
From ACM News

Origami Robot Folds Itself ­p, Crawls Away

For years, a team of researchers at MIT and Harvard University has been working on origami robots—reconfigurable robots that would be able to fold themselves into...

Harnessing the Speed of Light
From ACM Opinion

Harnessing the Speed of Light

The fields of data communication, fabrication, and ultrasound imaging share a common challenge when it comes to improving speed and efficiency: light's diffraction...

Researchers ­nveil Experimental 36-Core Chip
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Researchers ­nveil Experimental 36-Core Chip

The more cores—or processing units—a computer chip has, the bigger the problem of communication between cores becomes.

Can We See the Arrow of Time?
From ACM TechNews

Can We See the Arrow of Time?

A new algorithm can determine whether a given snippet of video is playing backward or forward with 80-percent accuracy. 

Think Fast, Robot
From ACM News

Think Fast, Robot

One of the reasons we don't yet have self-driving cars and mini-helicopters delivering online purchases is that autonomous vehicles tend not to perform well under...

Bake Your Own Robot
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Bake Your Own Robot

Printable robots—those that can be assembled from parts produced by 3-D printers—have long been a topic of research in the lab of Daniela Rus, the Andrew and Erna...

Terahertz Imaging on the Cheap
From ACM News

Terahertz Imaging on the Cheap

Terahertz imaging, which is already familiar from airport security checkpoints, has a number of other promising applications—from explosives detection to collision...

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems
From ACM News

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems

Researchers in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, working with colleagues at the University of Washington, have developed a new computer...

Excitons Observed in Action for the First Time
From ACM News

Excitons Observed in Action for the First Time

A quasiparticle called an exciton—responsible for the transfer of energy within devices such as solar cells, LEDs, and semiconductor circuits—has been understood...
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