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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Helping Robots Collaborate to Get the Job Done
From ACM TechNews

Helping Robots Collaborate to Get the Job Done

A new algorithm aims to foster cooperation between information-gathering robot teams.

One-Stop Machine Learning Platform Turns Healthcare Data Into Insights
From ACM TechNews

One-Stop Machine Learning Platform Turns Healthcare Data Into Insights

Software developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology uses machine learning to transform healthcare data into insights that can inform...

Robot Senses Hidden Objects
From ACM TechNews

Robot Senses Hidden Objects

A new robot can locate and grasp hidden objects using radio waves in combination with traditional computer vision.

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered
From ACM TechNews

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system to detect and reduce errors when patients administer their own medication.

An LED That Can Be Integrated Directly Into Computer Chips
From ACM TechNews

An LED That Can Be Integrated Directly Into Computer Chips

Researchers have developed and built a silicon-based LED that can be integrated directly onto a computer chip.

Computer-Aided Creativity in Robot Design
From ACM TechNews

Computer-Aided Creativity in Robot Design

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system that simulates and optimizes robot design and control programs.

'Giant Atoms' Enable Quantum Processing, Communication in One
From ACM TechNews

'Giant Atoms' Enable Quantum Processing, Communication in One

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have unveiled a quantum computing architecture that performs low-error computations while rapidly sharing quantum...

CSAIL Robot Disinfects Greater Boston Food Bank
From ACM TechNews

CSAIL Robot Disinfects Greater Boston Food Bank

A group of researchers designed a robotic system that disinfects surfaces and neutralizes aerosolized forms of Covid-19.

Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on a Single Chip
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on a Single Chip

Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have designed a 'brain on a chip' composed of tens of thousands of memristors.

How Many Jobs do Robots Really Replace?
From ACM TechNews

How Many Jobs do Robots Really Replace?

Two economics professors have determined that the replacement of human workers by robots is a tangible trend, although they say claims of total automation are overstated...

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI
From ACM TechNews

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of AI

Researchers have developed an automated artificial intelligence system for training and running certain types of neural networks, which has a small carbon footprint...

Muscle Signals Can Pilot a Robot
From ACM TechNews

Muscle Signals Can Pilot a Robot

A new system taps human muscle signals via wearable sensors to pilot a robot.

Sensors Woven Into a Shirt Can Monitor Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Sensors Woven Into a Shirt Can Monitor Vital Signs

Researchers have developed a method of incorporating electronic sensors into stretchy fabrics to create clothes that monitor vital signs.

System Trains Driverless Cars in Simulation Before They Hit the Road
From ACM TechNews

System Trains Driverless Cars in Simulation Before They Hit the Road

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have created a simulation system to train driverless cars prior to their deployment on actual streets.

Automated System Can Rewrite Outdated Sentences in Wikipedia Articles
From ACM TechNews

Automated System Can Rewrite Outdated Sentences in Wikipedia Articles

A new system can automatically update factual inconsistencies in Wikipedia articles.

'Sensorized' Skin Helps Soft Robots Find Their Bearings
From ACM TechNews

'Sensorized' Skin Helps Soft Robots Find Their Bearings

Researchers have created "sensorized" skin to increase soft robots' awareness of their bodily motion and orientation.   

Using AI to Enrich Digital Maps
From ACM TechNews

Using AI to Enrich Digital Maps

A new artificial intelligence model uses satellite imagery to tag road features in digital maps.

Toward More Efficient Computing, With Magnetic Waves
From ACM TechNews

Toward More Efficient Computing, With Magnetic Waves

A new circuit design enables computing using magnetic waves, rather than electricity.

Self-Transforming Robot Blocks Jump, Spin, Flip, Identify Each Other
From ACM TechNews

Self-Transforming Robot Blocks Jump, Spin, Flip, Identify Each Other

Researchers have developed self-assembling robotic cubes that can climb over and around one another, leap through the air, and roll across the ground.

Better Autonomous 'Reasoning' at Tricky Intersections
From ACM TechNews

Better Autonomous 'Reasoning' at Tricky Intersections

A new model can help autonomous vehicles determine when it is safe to proceed into traffic at intersections with obstructed views.
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