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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ingestible 'Bacteria on a Chip' Could Help Diagnose Disease
From ACM TechNews

Ingestible 'Bacteria on a Chip' Could Help Diagnose Disease

A new ingestible sensor can help diagnose gastrointestinal problems.

Albatross Robot Takes Flight
From ACM TechNews

Albatross Robot Takes Flight

Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have created an albatross-like robot that can skim along the water's surface while also surfing the waves like a...

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites
From ACM TechNews

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites

Systems of mathematical equations can forecast the most informative data to collect for an autonomous underwater vehicle mission and the best way to reach the sampling...

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites
From ACM News

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites

Observing the world's oceans is increasingly a mission assigned to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)—marine robots that are designed to drift, drive, or glide...

Machine-Learning System Processes Sounds Like Humans Do
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Learning System Processes Sounds Like Humans Do

Researchers have used a deep neural network to build the first model that can replicate human performance on auditory tasks such as identifying a musical genre....

Artificial Antimicrobial Peptides Could Help Overcome Drug-Resistant Bacteria
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Antimicrobial Peptides Could Help Overcome Drug-Resistant Bacteria

A new streamlined approach to developing antimicrobial peptide drugs uses a computer algorithm that mimics natural evolution.

Computer Searches Telescope Data for Evidence of Distant Planets
From ACM TechNews

Computer Searches Telescope Data for Evidence of Distant Planets

Researchers have trained a machine learning system to search for debris disks around stars using telescopic data.

'Body on a Chip' Could Improve Drug Evaluation
From ACM TechNews

'Body on a Chip' Could Improve Drug Evaluation

A microfluidic platform links engineered tissues from multiple human organs to replicate organ-drug interactions so medications' effects on different parts of the...

Seeing the Brain's Electrical Activity
From ACM TechNews

Seeing the Brain's Electrical Activity

Researchers say they have developed a light-sensitive protein that can indicate how much voltage a particular nerve cell is experiencing.

Engineers Design Artificial Synapse For 'brain-on-a-Chip' Hardware
From ACM News

Engineers Design Artificial Synapse For 'brain-on-a-Chip' Hardware

When it comes to processing power, the human brain just can't be beat.

Programmable Droplets
From ACM TechNews

Programmable Droplets

New hardware applies electric fields to manipulate droplets of chemical or biological solutions around a surface, mixing them to test thousands of reactions in...

Crowdsourcing Big-Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourcing Big-Data Analysis

FeatureHub is a new collaboration tool designed to make feature identification more efficient and effective.

Let Your Car Tell You What It Needs
From ACM TechNews

Let Your Car Tell You What It Needs

Researchers are developing software that measures automotive sounds and communicates any service requirements and other diagnostic information to drivers via a...

­sing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection
From ACM TechNews

­sing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection

Researchers are working to apply artificial intelligence to improving the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

­sing Machine Learning to Improve Patient Care
From ACM TechNews

­sing Machine Learning to Improve Patient Care

Researchers are investigating how computers can enhance medical decisions.

Designing the Microstructure of Printed Objects
From ACM TechNews

Designing the Microstructure of Printed Objects

Researchers have developed a design system to catalog the physical characteristics of a huge number of tiny cube clusters that can function as building blocks for...

New AI Algorithm Monitors Sleep With Radio Waves
From ACM TechNews

New AI Algorithm Monitors Sleep With Radio Waves

A new sleep monitoring system uses an algorithm to analyze radio signals around subjects and translate those measurements into sleep stages.

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design
From ACM TechNews

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design

Researchers have developed InstantCAD to facilitate interactive real-time editing, enhancement, and optimization of computer-aided design  models via a simpler...

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses
From ACM TechNews

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses

"Home3D" allows users to watch three-dimensional movies without wearing special glasses.

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently

Jenga is a new system that reallocates a chip's memory cache access in real time to create "cache hierarchies" designed to the needs of particular programs.
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