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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design
From ACM TechNews

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design

Researchers have developed InstantCAD to facilitate interactive real-time editing, enhancement, and optimization of computer-aided design  models via a simpler...

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses
From ACM TechNews

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses

"Home3D" allows users to watch three-dimensional movies without wearing special glasses.

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently

Jenga is a new system that reallocates a chip's memory cache access in real time to create "cache hierarchies" designed to the needs of particular programs.

Why Do Some Neighborhoods Improve?
From ACM TechNews

Why Do Some Neighborhoods Improve?

Researchers have used a computer vision system to quantify the physical improvement or deterioration of neighborhoods in five U.S. cities.

New 3D Chip Combines Computing and Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

New 3D Chip Combines Computing and Data Storage

A new computer chip integrates carbon nanotubes and resistive random-access memory cells.

New System Allows Optical 'deep Learning'
From ACM TechNews

New System Allows Optical 'deep Learning'

Researchers have developed a new approach to deep-learning computer systems that uses light instead of electricity.

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate
From ACM TechNews

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate

A new system to help visually impaired users navigate employs a three-dimensional camera, a belt with vibrational motors, and a refreshable Braille interface.

Faster, More Nimble Drones on the Horizon
From ACM TechNews

Faster, More Nimble Drones on the Horizon

Researchers have developed an algorithm to tune a Dynamic Vision Sensor camera to detect only specific changes in brightness that matter for a particular system...

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand
From ACM News

New Scaling Law Predicts How Wheels Drive Over Sand

When engineers design a new aircraft, they carry out much of the initial testing not on full-sized jets but on model planes that have been scaled down to fit inside...

­sing Bitcoin to Prevent Identify Theft
From ACM TechNews

­sing Bitcoin to Prevent Identify Theft

A new system uses bitcoin's security mechanisms to foil online identify thieves.

Speeding ­p Quality Control For Biologics
From ACM TechNews

Speeding ­p Quality Control For Biologics

Engineers have developed a new method for analyzing biologics in production, based on a series of nanoscale filters.

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

C-LEARN is a system designed to let users teach robots skills that they can pass along to other robots.

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
From ACM News

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

Most robots are programmed using one of two methods: learning from demonstration, in which they watch a task being done and then replicate it, or via motion-planning...

Mapping the Edge of Reality
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the Edge of Reality

Researchers have developed a genetic algorithm to confirm the rejection of classical ideas of causality.

Explained: Neural Networks
From ACM TechNews

Explained: Neural Networks

Deep learning is a new name for the neural-networking approach to artificial intelligence.

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots
From ACM TechNews

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots

Researchers believe three-dimensional printing of flexible electronics integrating sensors and processing circuitry is key to bulk manufacturing of a robot "skin...

Sharing the Fares
From ACM TechNews

Sharing the Fares

The potential for urban ride-sharing is similar for a variety of cities all over the world.

Artificial Data Give the Same Results as Real Data--Without Compromising Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Data Give the Same Results as Real Data--Without Compromising Privacy

The Synthetic Data Vault is a new machine-learning system that automatically creates synthetic data, which can be used in data science efforts that otherwise would...

Wearable AI System Can Detect a Conversation's Tone
From ACM TechNews

Wearable AI System Can Detect a Conversation's Tone

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a system that utilizes a wearable device and artificial intelligence to detect whether the...

Taming Data
From ACM TechNews

Taming Data

A new big data management system aims to simplify the process of aggregating large datasets for analysis.
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