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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Crowdsourced Feedback Helps Train Robots
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourced Feedback Helps Train Robots

A reinforcement learning approach trains robots using crowdsourced feedback from nonexpert users.

Synthetic Imagery Sets New Bar in AI Training Efficiency
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Imagery Sets New Bar in AI Training Efficiency

A team of researchers demonstrated that training machine learning models with synthetic images can outperform traditional training methods using real images.

Using Language to Give Robots a Better Grasp of Open-Ended World
From ACM TechNews

Using Language to Give Robots a Better Grasp of Open-Ended World

The Feature Fields for Robotic Manipulation method helps robots identify nearby objects by forming three-dimensional scenes from two-dimensional images and vision...

Making Genetic Prediction Models More Inclusive
From ACM TechNews

Making Genetic Prediction Models More Inclusive

Computer scientists created a more inclusive, more accurate genetic prediction model by using computational and statistical techniques to study individuals' unique...

Shape-Shifting Fiber Produces Morphing Fabrics
From ACM TechNews

Shape-Shifting Fiber Produces Morphing Fabrics

The FibeRobo programmable fiber can change shape in response to temperature changes.

Helping Computer Vision, Language Models Understand What They See
From ACM TechNews

Helping Computer Vision, Language Models Understand What They See

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other researchers developed a technique that uses computer-generated data to help vision and language models better understand...

ML System Based on Light Could Yield More Powerful, Efficient LLMs
From ACM TechNews

ML System Based on Light Could Yield More Powerful, Efficient LLMs

A team of researchers has developed a light-based machine learning system that could surpass the system behind ChatGPT in terms of power and efficiency, while also...

Computer Vision That Works More Like a Brain Sees More Like People Do
From ACM TechNews

Computer Vision That Works More Like a Brain Sees More Like People Do

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers trained an artificial neural network to function like the brain's inferior temporal cortex to improve computer...

 Researchers 3D-Print Miniature Vacuum Pump
From ACM TechNews

Researchers 3D-Print Miniature Vacuum Pump

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers three-dimensionally (3D)-printed a miniature peristaltic pump, in a step toward producing inexpensive mobile mass...

Four-Legged Robotic System for Playing Soccer on Various Terrains
From ACM TechNews

Four-Legged Robotic System for Playing Soccer on Various Terrains

The four-legged DribbleBot robot developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers can dribble soccer balls using onboard sensors, computing, and reinforcement...

Scientists Use Computational Modeling to Design 'Ultrastable' Materials
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Use Computational Modeling to Design 'Ultrastable' Materials

A new computational model may be used to predict which metal-organic framework structures will be most stable for a given application.

Augmented Reality Headset Enables Users to See Hidden Objects
From ACM TechNews

Augmented Reality Headset Enables Users to See Hidden Objects

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have combined computer vision and wireless perception into X-AR, an augmented reality (AR) headset that can visualize...

Engineers Discover Way to Control Atomic Nuclei as 'Qubits'
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Discover Way to Control Atomic Nuclei as 'Qubits'

MIT engineers have formulated a method of controlling the spins of atomic nuclei as quantum bits using two different-colored laser beams.

Ingestible Sensor Could Help Doctors Pinpoint GI Difficulties
From ACM TechNews

Ingestible Sensor Could Help Doctors Pinpoint GI Difficulties

An ingestible sensor can be monitored as it travels through the digestive tract, helping doctors to diagnose gastrointestinal ailments more precisely.

AI Model Can Detect Future Lung Cancer Risk
From ACM TechNews

AI Model Can Detect Future Lung Cancer Risk

A new artificial intelligence tool can perform lung cancer risk assessments without the help of a radiologist.

Computational System Streamlines Design of Fluidic Devices
From ACM TechNews

Computational System Streamlines Design of Fluidic Devices

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers were part of a team that built a new system to simplify the process of designing fluidic devices.

Engineers Build Battery-Free, Wireless Underwater Camera
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Build Battery-Free, Wireless Underwater Camera

Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have developed a battery-free, wireless underwater camera.

Using AI to Control Digital Manufacturing
From ACM TechNews

Using AI to Control Digital Manufacturing

An international team of researchers taught a machine learning system with computer vision to monitor and control three-dimensional printing in real time.

Model Helps Identify Mutations That Drive Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Model Helps Identify Mutations That Drive Cancer

Researchers created a probabilistic computer model that rapidly scans the genome of cancer cells to identify cancer-driving mutations.

Engineers Build LEGO-Like AI Chip
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Build LEGO-Like AI Chip

An international team of  researchers has developed an artificial intelligence chip that is stackable and reconfigurable, similar to LEGO bricks.
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