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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spinoff 2017: Nasa Tech Makes a Difference on Earth
From ACM News

Spinoff 2017: Nasa Tech Makes a Difference on Earth

NASA has released its Spinoff 2017 publication, which takes a close look at 50 different companies that are using NASA technology—innovations developed by NASA,...

Cassini Makes First Ring-Grazing Plunge
From ACM News

Cassini Makes First Ring-Grazing Plunge

NASA's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft has made its first close dive past the outer edges of Saturn's rings since beginning its penultimate mission phase on...

Scientists Probe Mystery of Pluto's Icy Heart
From ACM News

Scientists Probe Mystery of Pluto's Icy Heart

Scientists are offering several new scenarios to explain the formation of Pluto's frozen heart-shaped feature, first spotted by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft in...

Nasa Saturn Mission Prepares For 'ring-Grazing Orbits'
From ACM News

Nasa Saturn Mission Prepares For 'ring-Grazing Orbits'

A thrilling ride is about to begin for NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Mars Ice Deposit Holds as Much Water as Lake Superior
From ACM News

Mars Ice Deposit Holds as Much Water as Lake Superior

Frozen beneath a region of cracked and pitted plains on Mars lies about as much water as what's in Lake Superior, largest of the Great Lakes, researchers using...

New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher
From ACM News

New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher

The brightest area on Ceres stands out amid shadowy, cratered terrain in a dramatic new view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft, taken as it looked off to the side of...

Nasa Small Satellites Will Take a Fresh Look at Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Small Satellites Will Take a Fresh Look at Earth

Beginning this month, NASA is launching a suite of six next-generation, Earth-observing small satellite missions to demonstrate innovative new approaches for studying...

Watching Summer Clouds on Titan
From ACM News

Watching Summer Clouds on Titan

NASA's Cassini spacecraft watched clouds of methane moving across the far northern regions of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, on Oct. 29­­­­ and 30, 2016.

Schiaparelli Impact Site on Mars, in Color
From ACM News

Schiaparelli Impact Site on Mars, in Color

On Nov. 1, 2016, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observed the impact site of Europe's Schiaparelli...

Nasa Moon Mission Shares Insights Into Giant Impacts
From ACM News

Nasa Moon Mission Shares Insights Into Giant Impacts

New results from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission are providing insights into the huge impacts that dominated the early history of...

New Horizons Returns Last Bits of 2015 Flyby Data to Earth
From ACM News

New Horizons Returns Last Bits of 2015 Flyby Data to Earth

Having traveled from the New Horizons spacecraft over 3.4 billion miles, or 5.5 billion kilometers (five hours, eight minutes at light speed), the final item—a...

Further Clues to Fate of Mars Lander, Seen From Orbit
From ACM News

Further Clues to Fate of Mars Lander, Seen From Orbit

The most powerful telescope orbiting Mars is providing new details of the scene near the Martian equator where Europe's Schiaparelli test lander hit the surface...

Camera on Mars Orbiter Shows Signs of Latest Mars Lander
From ACM News

Camera on Mars Orbiter Shows Signs of Latest Mars Lander

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has identified new markings on the surface of the Red Planet that are believed to be related to Europe's Schiaparelli test lander...

New Horizons: Possible Clouds on Pluto, Next Target is Reddish
From ACM News

New Horizons: Possible Clouds on Pluto, Next Target is Reddish

The next target for NASA's New Horizons mission—which made a historic flight past Pluto in July 2015—apparently bears a colorful resemblance to its famous, main...

Teleporting Toward a Quantum Internet
From ACM News

Teleporting Toward a Quantum Internet

Quantum physics is a field that appears to give scientists superpowers.

Building Blocks of Life's Building Blocks Come From Starlight
From ACM News

Building Blocks of Life's Building Blocks Come From Starlight

Life exists in a myriad of wondrous forms, but if you break any organism down to its most basic parts, it's all the same stuff: carbon atoms connected to hydrogen...

Nasa's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully
From ACM News

Nasa's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover will drive down a gully carved long ago by a fluid that might have been water, according to the latest plans for the 12-year-old mission...

An Infrared Look at Hurricane Matthew from Nasa's Airs
From ACM News

An Infrared Look at Hurricane Matthew from Nasa's Airs

Hurricane Matthew, currently an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, continues to bear down on the southeastern United...

Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars
From ACM News

Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars

Global dust storms on Mars could soon become more predictable—which would be a boon for future astronauts there—if the next one follows a pattern suggested by those...

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Begins Next Mars Chapter
From ACM News

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Begins Next Mars Chapter

After collecting drilled rock powder in arguably the most scenic landscape yet visited by a Mars rover, NASA's Curiosity mobile laboratory is driving toward uphill...
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