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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Expeditions in Computing Continue to Break New Ground
From ACM TechNews

Expeditions in Computing Continue to Break New Ground

The U.S. National Science Foundation's directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering recently created three new Expeditions in Computing. Each...

When Robots Invaded the Senate
From ACM TechNews

When Robots Invaded the Senate

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently held a luncheon briefing and open house for U.S. Senate members to demonstrate cyber-physical systems (CPS), an emerging...

How a Team of Academic Experts Contributed to Obama's Cyberspace Review
From ACM TechNews

How a Team of Academic Experts Contributed to Obama's Cyberspace Review

The National Security Council's Melissa Hathaway sought the advice of a variety of computer security experts when she conducted the recently completed 60-day review...

From ACM TechNews

Viral Epidemics Poised to Go Mobile

A research team led by Northeastern University Center for Complex Network Research director Albert-Laszlo Barabasi set out to investigate why smartphone and mobile...

The Next Best Thing to You
From ACM News

The Next Best Thing to You

Have you ever wished you could be in two places at once? Perhaps you've had the desire to create a copy of yourself that could stand in for you at a meeting, freeing...

A Nimbus Rises in the World of Cloud Computing
From ACM News

A Nimbus Rises in the World of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a hot topic in the technology world these days, called by television and business magazines the way of the future. While it's difficult to predict...

U.S. Simulation Superiority Slips
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Simulation Superiority Slips

Today's  supercomputers require programming skills that too few U.S. researchers have to produce advanced computer simulations, and affordable computers and committed...

'instant On' Computing
From ACM TechNews

'instant On' Computing

Researchers supported by the National Science Foundation have achieved a breakthrough in adding ferroelectric materials to silicon, without intervening reaction...

Computer Science Field Needs a Few (more) Good Women
From ACM News

Computer Science Field Needs a Few (more) Good Women

When ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) awarded Barbara Liskov the prestigious A.M. Turing Award earlier this month, its decision and timing were perfect...

A New Vision For Scientific Visualizations
From ACM News

A New Vision For Scientific Visualizations

VisTrails, a suite of visualization tools developed by Juliana Freire and Claudio Silva, both associate professors of computer science at the University of Utah...

From ACM TechNews

Excited Atoms Advance Quantum Computing

National Science FoundationThe dream of quantum computing has come a step closer to reality through National Science Foundation-funded research into atomic manipulation...

From ACM News

Data Travels Six Times Faster in the Clouds

The National Center for Data Mining (NCDM) at the University of Illinois at Chicago established a cloud computing system that can quickly compile data from widely...
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