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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights
From ACM News

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights

A quadriplegic man who has become the first person to be implanted with technology that sends signals from the brain to muscles—allowing him to regain some movement...

Rescued Japanese Spacecraft Delivers First Results from Venus
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Rescued Japanese Spacecraft Delivers First Results from Venus

After an unplanned five-year detour, Japan's Venus probe, Akatsuki, has come back to life with a bang.

Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle
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Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle

The most precise measurement ever made of the current rate of expansion of the Universe has produced a value that appears incompatible with measurements of radiation...

Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack
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Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack

HIV can defeat efforts to cripple it with CRISPR gene-editing technology, researchers say. And the very act of editing—involving snipping at the virus’s genome—may...

Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test
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Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test

It is the elephant in the room for dark-matter research: a claimed detection that is hard to believe, impossible to confirm and surprisingly difficult to explain...

Biology Software Promises Easier Way to Program Living Cells
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Biology Software Promises Easier Way to Program Living Cells

Synthetic biologists have created software that automates the design of DNA circuits for living cells.

Massive Network of Robotic Ocean Probes Gets Smart ­pgrade
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Massive Network of Robotic Ocean Probes Gets Smart ­pgrade

The Southern Ocean guards its secrets well. Strong winds and punishing waves have kept all except the hardiest sailors at bay.

'minimal' Cell Raises Stakes in Race to Harness Synthetic Life
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'minimal' Cell Raises Stakes in Race to Harness Synthetic Life

Genomics entrepreneur Craig Venter has created a synthetic cell that contains the smallest genome of any known, independent organism.

The Black-Hole Collision That Reshaped Physics
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The Black-Hole Collision That Reshaped Physics

The event was catastrophic on a cosmic scale—a merger of black holes that violently shook the surrounding fabric of space and time, and sent a blast of space-time...

Mobile-Phone Health Apps Deliver Data Bounty
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Mobile-Phone Health Apps Deliver Data Bounty

Last summer, physician Yvonne Chan wondered how the wildfires raging through Washington state were affecting people with asthma—for whom smoke and heat can trigger...

Living Factories of the Future
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Living Factories of the Future

From an evolutionary perspective, yeast has no business producing a pain killer. But by re-engineering the microbe's genome, Christina Smolke at Stanford University...

Oldest Ancient-Human Dna Details Dawn of Neanderthals
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Oldest Ancient-Human Dna Details Dawn of Neanderthals

Matthias Meyer has just published the results of what may be the world's most wasteful genome-sequencing project.

On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet
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On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet

Astronomer Scott Sheppard runs through his checklist as he settles in for a long night of skygazing at the Subaru telescope atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

What Google's Winning Go Algorithm Will Do Next
From ACM News

What Google's Winning Go Algorithm Will Do Next

Following the defeat of one of its finest human players, the ancient game of Go has joined the growing list of tasks at which computers perform better than humans...

Welcome to the Crispr Zoo
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Welcome to the Crispr Zoo

Timothy Doran's 11-year-old daughter is allergic to eggs. And like about 2% of children worldwide who share the condition, she is unable to receive many routine...

Et Search: Look For the Aliens Looking For Earth
From ACM News

Et Search: Look For the Aliens Looking For Earth

By watching how the light dims as a planet orbits in front of its parent star, NASA's Kepler spacecraft has discovered more than 1,000 worlds since its launch in...

Should You Edit Your Children's Genes?
From ACM News

Should You Edit Your Children's Genes?

Ruthie Weiss's basketball team seemed to be minutes away from its fourth straight loss.

Dna Tags Help the Hunt For Drugs
From ACM News

Dna Tags Help the Hunt For Drugs

Nestled in a plastic box, in an ordinary laboratory freezer on the second floor of a concrete building in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a clear test tube that contains...

Evidence Mounts For Interbreeding Bonanza in Ancient Human Species
From ACM News

Evidence Mounts For Interbreeding Bonanza in Ancient Human Species

The discovery of yet another period of interbreeding between early humans and Neanderthals is adding to the growing sense that sexual encounters among different...

The Truth About Exoplanets
From ACM News

The Truth About Exoplanets

The trickle of discoveries has become a torrent.
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