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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Earth's New Address: 'solar System, Milky Way, Laniakea'
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Earth's New Address: 'solar System, Milky Way, Laniakea'

The supercluster of galaxies that includes the Milky Way is 100 times bigger in volume and mass than previously thought, a team of astronomers says.

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians
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Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians

Is a solution to one of the most important, beautiful and potentially lucrative problems in mathematics right around the corner?

Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets
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Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets

Thunderous applause greeted planetary carto­grapher Ken Tanaka of the US Geological Survey on 14 July as he unveiled a new geological map of Mars.

Mars Rover Facing Harshest Journey Yet
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Mars Rover Facing Harshest Journey Yet

After making it across 8.5 kilometres on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover is now facing some of the most dangerous terrain it has ever encountered.

Sound Clue in Hunt For Mh370
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Sound Clue in Hunt For Mh370

Researchers are exploring what may be the first promising lead in months in the search for the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled
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Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled

A working group of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) presented a ten-year plan for the agency's portion of a major neuroscience initiative announced last...

Pluto-Bound Probe Faces Crisis
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Pluto-Bound Probe Faces Crisis

Nearly 4.3 billion kilometres from Earth, and most of the way to Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is in danger of missing out on half of its mission.

Wiring of Retina Reveals How Eyes Sense Motion
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Wiring of Retina Reveals How Eyes Sense Motion

A vast project to map neural connections in the mouse retina may have answered the long-standing question of how the eyes detect motion.

Basic Science Finds Corporate Refuge
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Basic Science Finds Corporate Refuge

Microsoft makes Windows, Word, and the Xbox. But it also employs scientists who make sensors to stick on the hides of elephants and rhinoceroses.

Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites
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Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites

Scientists have picked four potential landing sites for a European rover designed to search for life on Mars.

The $1,000 Genome
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The $1,000 Genome

In Silicon Valley, Moore's law seems to stand on equal footing with the natural laws codified by Isaac Newton.

Computer Science: The Learning Machines
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Computer Science: The Learning Machines

Three years ago, researchers at the secretive Google X lab in Mountain View, California, extracted some 10 million still images from YouTube videos and fed them...

Atom Circuits a Step Closer
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Atom Circuits a Step Closer

A memory effect that is crucial in electronics has been seen for the first time in a cloud of ultracold atoms.

Is the $1,000 Genome For Real?
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Is the $1,000 Genome For Real?

The Best Time to Wage Cyberwar
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The Best Time to Wage Cyberwar

If you discover a way to hack into your enemy's computers, do you strike while the iron is hot, or patiently wait for a better opportunity to arise?

Simulations Back Up Theory That Universe Is a Hologram
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Simulations Back Up Theory That Universe Is a Hologram

A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection.

Graphene: The Quest For Supercarbon
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Graphene: The Quest For Supercarbon

Mr G gazes out from a recruitment poster hanging in an engineering building in Cambridge, U.K.

Physicists Plan to Build a Bigger Lhc
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Physicists Plan to Build a Bigger Lhc

When Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) started up in 2008, particle physicists would not have dreamt of asking for something bigger until they got their US$5...

Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown
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Nasa Missions Struggle to Cope with Shutdown

All it took was four minutes.

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking
From ACM Careers

Researchers Split Over NSA Hacking

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has upset a great many people this year.
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