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subjectComputers And Society

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­k Scientists Gain Licence to Edit Genes in Human Embryos
From ACM News

­k Scientists Gain Licence to Edit Genes in Human Embryos

Scientists in London have been granted permission to edit the genomes of human embryos for research, UK fertility regulators announced. The 1 February approval...

Babylonian Astronomers ­sed Geometry to Track Jupiter
From ACM News

Babylonian Astronomers ­sed Geometry to Track Jupiter

A reanalysis of markings on Babylonian tablets has revealed that astronomers working between the fourth and first centuries bc used geometry to calculate the motions...

Go Players React to Computer Defeat
From ACM Opinion

Go Players React to Computer Defeat

For decades, the ancient game of Go has stood out as the one board game that computers couldn't crack.

Evidence Grows For Giant Planet on Fringes of Solar System
From ACM News

Evidence Grows For Giant Planet on Fringes of Solar System

A century after observatory founder Percival Lowell speculated that a 'Planet X' lurks at the fringes of the Solar System, astronomers say that they have the best...

Bitter Fight Over Crispr Patent Heats Up
From ACM News

Bitter Fight Over Crispr Patent Heats Up

A versatile technique for editing genomes has been called the biggest biotechnology advancesince the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the US Patent and Trademark...

Enzyme Tweak Boosts Precision of Crispr Genome Edits
From ACM News

Enzyme Tweak Boosts Precision of Crispr Genome Edits

A powerful technique for editing genomes is now more precise.

Paradox at the Heart of Mathematics Makes Physics Problem ­nanswerable
From ACM News

Paradox at the Heart of Mathematics Makes Physics Problem ­nanswerable

A logical paradox at the heart of mathematics and computer science turns out to have implications for the real world, making a basic question about matter fundamentally...

Gene-Editing Summit Supports Some Research in Human Embryos
From ACM News

Gene-Editing Summit Supports Some Research in Human Embryos

Gene-editing technology should not be used to modify human embryos that are intended for use in establishing a pregnancy, an international summit declared in a...

Artificial Intelligence Called In to Tackle Lhc Data Deluge
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Called In to Tackle Lhc Data Deluge

The next generation of particle-collider experiments will feature some of the world's most advanced thinking machines, if links now being forged between particle...

Biologists Create More Precise Molecular Scissors For Genome Editing
From ACM News

Biologists Create More Precise Molecular Scissors For Genome Editing

By tweaking an enzyme that cuts DNA, synthetic biologists say that they can make genome editing even more specific—an essential improvement if the technique is...

Genome Editing: 7 Facts About a Revolutionary Technology
From ACM News

Genome Editing: 7 Facts About a Revolutionary Technology

The ethics of human-genome editing is in the spotlight again as a large international meeting on the topic is poised to kick off in Washington DC.

Synthetic Biology Lures Silicon Valley Investors
From ACM Careers

Synthetic Biology Lures Silicon Valley Investors

In 2012, Emily Leproust was trying to raise money to start Twist Bioscience, a company that aimed to synthesize DNA more quickly and more cheaply than existing...

Artificial-Intelligence Institute Launches Free Science Search Engine
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Institute Launches Free Science Search Engine

With Google Scholar, PubMed, and other free academic databases at their fingertips, scientists may feel they have plenty of resources to trawl through the ever-growing...

The Future of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Beyond
From ACM News

The Future of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Beyond

When the digital currency Bitcoin came to life in January 2009, it was noticed by almost no one apart from the handful of programmers who followed cryptography...

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science
From ACM News

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science

As the costs of genetic sequencing fall, oncologists are starting to prescribe expensive new drugs that target the genetic profiles of their patients' tumours,...

The Revolution Will Not Be Crystallized: A New Method Sweeps Through Structural Biology
From ACM News

The Revolution Will Not Be Crystallized: A New Method Sweeps Through Structural Biology

In a basement room, deep in the bowels of a steel-clad building in Cambridge, a major insurgency is under way.

Online Security Braces For Quantum Revolution
From ACM News

Online Security Braces For Quantum Revolution

Encryption fix begins in preparation for arrival of futuristic computers.

Giant Study Poses Dna-Sharing Dilemma
From ACM News

Giant Study Poses Dna-Sharing Dilemma

After dozens of unsuccessful treatments, Eric Dishman started to suspect that his illness was due to something other than the rare kidney cancer he was diagnosed...

Biohackers Gear ­p For Genome Editing
From ACM News

Biohackers Gear ­p For Genome Editing

A complete lack of formal scientific training has not kept Johan Sosa from dabbling with one of the most powerful molecular-biology tools to come along in decades...

Caution ­rged Over Editing Dna in Wildlife (intentionally or Not)
From ACM News

Caution ­rged Over Editing Dna in Wildlife (intentionally or Not)

"Crap!" That was the first word out of Kevin Esvelt’s mouth as he scanned a paper1 published inScience last March.
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