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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mind-Reading Robot Teachers Keep Students Focused
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Reading Robot Teachers Keep Students Focused

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have developed a robotic teacher that monitors students' attention levels and mimics the techniques human teachers use...

Font for Digits Lets Numbers Punch Their Weight
From ACM TechNews

Font for Digits Lets Numbers Punch Their Weight

Researchers at the St. Andrews and Calgary universities have developed FatFonts, a font that offers a way to write numbers so that their areas equal their numerical...

Network Your Stuff: Amateurs Inventing a New Internet
From ACM TechNews

Network Your Stuff: Amateurs Inventing a New Internet

A growing number of computer hobbyists are merging the online and physical worlds in new ways.  

Controversial Quantum Computer Beats Factoring Record
From ACM TechNews

Controversial Quantum Computer Beats Factoring Record

Chinese researchers recently used a process called adiabatic computing to find the prime factors of the number 143, beating the previous record for a quantum computer...

Driverless Cars Ready to Hit Our Roads
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Ready to Hit Our Roads

Driverless cars are moving closer to becoming a reality, as politicians in several U.S. states rush to get such cars on the roads.

Better Living Through Video Gaming
From ACM News

Better Living Through Video Gaming

From AI-designed games to realistic virtual worlds and social physics, gaming is changing our world view.

Seven Equations That Rule Your World
From ACM News

Seven Equations That Rule Your World

The alarm rings. You glance at the clock. The time is 6.30 am. You haven't even got out of bed, and already at least six mathematical equations have influenced...

From ACM News

Slow Graphene Down, Speed Computers Up

Astonishing conductivity helped the discoverers of graphene win the Nobel prize in physicsin 2010. Now a way to switch off the easy flow of electrons in this wonder...

Should Computers Have Their Own Web Sites?
From ACM TechNews

Should Computers Have Their Own Web Sites?

Organizations could use a new top-level domain, .data, to share data in a standard form, writes Stephen Wolfram, creator of the computational knowledge engine Wolfram...

Kinect Weighs Astronauts Just By Looking at Them
From ACM TechNews

Kinect Weighs Astronauts Just By Looking at Them

A body-tracking camera system built into Microsoft's Kinect gaming sensor could be used to monitor the weight of astronauts in space, says Eurecom computer scientist...

Smart Guide to 2012: How Best to Test Machine Iq
From ACM TechNews

Smart Guide to 2012: How Best to Test Machine Iq

AI programs did not fare well in convincing judges at the 2011 Loebner prize competition that they were people. 

From ACM News

What Is the Higgs Boson and Why Does It Matter?

As the world awaits news of the possible discovery of the Higgs boson, there remains a lot of confusion about what it is, why we have had to work hard to find...

Quantum Hackers: Cracking the ­ncrackable Code
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Hackers: Cracking the ­ncrackable Code

Norwegian University of Science and Technology researcher Vadim Makarov has developed a quantum cryptography method to defend against attacks of quantum key distribution...

From ACM TechNews

Wireless Network Can Watch Your Breathing

University of Utah researchers have found that wireless signals can indicate if people in the area are breathing. The researchers surrounded a volunteer with...

Quantum Logic Could Make Better Robot Bartenders
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Logic Could Make Better Robot Bartenders

Researchers are studying how quantum logic can be used to give robots multiple personalities to make them act more like humans. 

Quantum Logic Could Make Better Robot Bartenders
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Logic Could Make Better Robot Bartenders

Researchers are studying how quantum logic can be used to give robots multiple personalities to make them act more like humans. 

Quantum Computer Chips Pass Key Milestones
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Chips Pass Key Milestones

University of California, Santa Barbara researchers have developed a quantum computer design based on superconducting electrical circuits that adds a more sustainable...

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World
From ACM TechNews

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World

Cornell University researchers are teaching robots to understand the context of their surroundings so that they can pick out individual objects in a room. 

From ACM News

How to Be in Two Places at the Same Time

An ambitious experiment to make a glass sphere exist in two places at once could provide the most sensitive test of quantum theory yet.

Chemical Computers Solve Shapely Puzzles
From ACM TechNews

Chemical Computers Solve Shapely Puzzles

Chemical computers can solve certain problems in computational geometry, according to University of West England professor Andrew Adamatzky and colleagues.
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