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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Theme-Park Dummy Trick Becomes Teleconference Tool

A trick used in theme-park animatronics could help people act more naturally during videoconferences. Shader lamps is a technique that projects an animated face...

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real
From ACM News

Virtual Crashes and Clatters Get Real

The clatter of a dropped trash can and the crash of a cymbal – both easily recognisable sounds. That's why computer games or CGI movies that feature such noises...

Dark Flash Camera Takes Photos Without the Glare
From ACM TechNews

Dark Flash Camera Takes Photos Without the Glare

New York University researchers have developed a camera that uses ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light to take photos in the dark without the use of a traditional...

From ACM TechNews

Physics Brings Realism to Virtual Reality

The latest multi-core processors and smart software are enabling physicists and engineers to simulate the real world with unprecedented accuracy to create more...

Robotic Computer Controlled Only by Gestures
From ACM News

Robotic Computer Controlled Only by Gestures

Frederic Kaplan at the Swiss Federal Institutes in Lausanne has designed and built the QB1 computer, a PC-based robot that plays music and games and is operated...
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