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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Quantum Trick with Photons Gives ML a Speed Boost
From ACM TechNews

A Quantum Trick with Photons Gives ML a Speed Boost

Researchers at Austria's University of Vienna have accelerated machine learning using a quantum trick involving photons.

Robot Can Understand What a Hug Is
From ACM TechNews

Robot Can Understand What a Hug Is

A prototype soft robot developed by researchers at Cornell University is imbued with sensory perception.

Robots Now Can Understand What You Are Saying to Follow Commands
From ACM TechNews

Robots Now Can Understand What You Are Saying to Follow Commands

University of Michigan researchers have developed a model that simplifies robots' ability to follow commands by allowing them to understand what people are saying...

AI Camera Can Tell What Surfaces Feel Like with Just a Glance
From ACM TechNews

AI Camera Can Tell What Surfaces Feel Like with Just a Glance

Rutgers University researchers have trained a camera-linked artificial intelligence to read the tactile properties of an object when presented with a photograph...

AI Removes Unwanted Objects From Photos
From ACM TechNews

AI Removes Unwanted Objects From Photos

A new algorithm uses artificial intelligence to digitally remove unwanted objects in photos.

Quantum Version of the Ancient Game of Go Could Be Ultimate AI Test
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Version of the Ancient Game of Go Could Be Ultimate AI Test

Researchers have created a more complex version of the ancient Chinese board game Go using quantum entanglement.

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea
From ACM TechNews

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea

Australia is deploying unmanned robot boats to patrol its waters and monitor weather and wildlife, as well as identifying boats potentially transporting asylum...

U.S. Voting Data from Millions of People is Being Traded on the Dark Web
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Voting Data from Millions of People is Being Traded on the Dark Web

Researchers have found that data on millions of U.S. voters is being illegally traded on parts of the Internet not searchable using normal means.

U.S. Military Facial Recognition System Could Work From 1 Kilometer Away
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Military Facial Recognition System Could Work From 1 Kilometer Away

The U.S. Special Operations Command  is developing a portable facial recognition system that can identify individuals from 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) off. 

A Robot Equipped with Real Feathers Flies Like a Bird
From ACM TechNews

A Robot Equipped with Real Feathers Flies Like a Bird

Stanford University researchers affixed actual pigeon feathers to a robot to allow it to fly like a bird.

A Lazy Fix 20 Years Ago Means the Y2K Bug Is Taking Down Computers Now
From ACM TechNews

A Lazy Fix 20 Years Ago Means the Y2K Bug Is Taking Down Computers Now

A glitch connected to the Y2K bug addressed two decades ago is crashing payment systems and computers, due to a poor fix.

A Computer Made From DNA Can Compute the Square Root of 900
From ACM News

A Computer Made From DNA Can Compute the Square Root of 900

A computer made from strands of DNA in a test tube can calculate the square root of numbers up to 900.

Turn Any Object Into a Robot Using This Program and a 3D Printer
From ACM TechNews

Turn Any Object Into a Robot Using This Program and a 3D Printer

Researchers created a program to render household items into hand-activated robots using a three-dimensional (3D) printer. 

Swarms of Golf Ball-Sized Robots Could Detect Leaks in the Sewers
From ACM TechNews

Swarms of Golf Ball-Sized Robots Could Detect Leaks in the Sewers

Researchers have developed golf ball-sized robots designed to collect data as they float through pipes.

Robot Arm Lets You Remotely Lend Friends Helping Hand with Repairs
From ACM TechNews

Robot Arm Lets You Remotely Lend Friends Helping Hand with Repairs

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. have developed a handheld robot for remote assistance with repairs.

Fast Swimming Fish Robot Could Perform Underwater Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Fast Swimming Fish Robot Could Perform Underwater Surveillance

University of Virginia researchers have built a fish-inspired robot that can swim as fast as actual fish, and faster than similar robots.

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify
From ACM TechNews

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify

A new artificial intelligence system can automatically deblur photographs of people's faces.

Robot Pilot That Can Grab the Controls Gets Its License
From ACM TechNews

Robot Pilot That Can Grab the Controls Gets Its License

The ROBOpilot Unmanned Aircraft Conversion System passed the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Practical Test for piloting light aircraft and completed...

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water

A new smartphone app can detect extremely small amounts of norovirus (the most common cause of gastroenteritis) in water, when used with a microscope attachment...

Drones Could Herd Rhinos From Poaching Hotspots
From ACM TechNews

Drones Could Herd Rhinos From Poaching Hotspots

Researchers in the ­.K. found that drones and siren sounds were most effective in getting endangered southern white rhinos to leave poaching hotspots in national...
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