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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks
From ACM TechNews

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks

A team of scientists used drones and machine learning to try to find just-landed meteorites.

Autonomous Walking Excavator Can Build Walls, Dig Trenches
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Walking Excavator Can Build Walls, Dig Trenches

A walking construction vehicle can operate autonomously on rough terrain, thanks to a team of Swiss-German engineers.

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot

U.S. Army Research Laboratory scientists have determined that current legged robots could be far more efficient.

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet

Researchers at Spain's Institute of Photonic Sciences have taken a step toward a secure quantum Internet by using crystals to execute quantum teleportation of information...

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own

Researchers  used three-dimensional printing to create a robotic elephant trunk that uses artificial intelligence to emulate how sensory input triggers synaptic ...

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor
From ACM TechNews

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor

A human brain organoid was cultured in a week in a three-dimensionally-printed microfluidic bioreactor.

Robot Lizard Can Quickly Climb a Wall, Just Like the Real Thing
From ACM TechNews

Robot Lizard Can Quickly Climb a Wall, Just Like the Real Thing

A robot built by researchers at Australia's University of the Sunshine Coast has legs and feet programmed to mimic the gait of climbing lizards.

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand

Tetsuya Ogata and colleagues at Japan's Waseda University have taught an artificial intelligence-powered robot to tie knots around a box using just two fingers...

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets

Researchers at U.K. startup Kagenova have developed a system that can reduce nausea or cybersickness induced by virtual reality.

Eagle-Inspired Robot Flies by Flapping Its Feather-Covered Wings
From ACM TechNews

Eagle-Inspired Robot Flies by Flapping Its Feather-Covered Wings

Researchers in China were inspired by a golden eagle to build a robotic bird with flapping wings covered in actual feathers.

Magnetic Boost Helps to Squeeze More Data Onto Computer Hard Disks
From ACM TechNews

Magnetic Boost Helps to Squeeze More Data Onto Computer Hard Disks

A short-term technology may help clear a path toward next-generation computer hard disks by utilizing microwaves with existing platter material.

Submersible Soft Robot Survives Pressure of Mariana Trench
From ACM TechNews

Submersible Soft Robot Survives Pressure of Mariana Trench

A silicone rubber submersible robot engineered by researchers at China's Zhejiang University successfully withstood the immense pressures in the Mariana trench....

Sharing Your Route in Advance Could Cut Electric Car Charging Queue
From ACM TechNews

Sharing Your Route in Advance Could Cut Electric Car Charging Queue

Researchers have developed a computer model that could reduce wait times for charging electric cars by using information about each vehicle’s planned journey.

Flying Robots Suggest Bees Can't Rely on Instinct to Land on Flowers
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robots Suggest Bees Can't Rely on Instinct to Land on Flowers

Researchers used small drones to study how bees land on a flower.

Robot Foresters Could Plant Thousands of Trees a Day
From ACM TechNews

Robot Foresters Could Plant Thousands of Trees a Day

Two types of autonomous robot foresters developed by Estonia's University of Tartu and robot manufacturer Milrem are planting trees from Milrem's driverless ground...

Google's AI Can Keep Loon Balloons Flying for Over 300 Days in a Row
From ACM TechNews

Google's AI Can Keep Loon Balloons Flying for Over 300 Days in a Row

An artificially intelligent pilot can keep huge stratospheric balloons aloft in a fixed position for hundreds of days to operate as floating cell towers for remote...

Army of a Million Microscopic Robots Created to Explore on Tiny Scale
From ACM TechNews

Army of a Million Microscopic Robots Created to Explore on Tiny Scale

University of Pennsylvania  researchers have developed microscopic robots that move by themselves, using an actuator fashioned from a thin layer of platinum.

Quantum Version of the Ancient Game of Go Could Be Ultimate AI Test
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Version of the Ancient Game of Go Could Be Ultimate AI Test

Researchers have created a more complex version of the ancient Chinese board game Go using quantum entanglement.

Single Particles of Light Can Be Used for Remote 3D Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Single Particles of Light Can Be Used for Remote 3D Surveillance

Researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China used a single-photon version of LiDAR to remotely capture extremely detailed three-dimensional...

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea
From ACM TechNews

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea

Australia is deploying unmanned robot boats to patrol its waters and monitor weather and wildlife, as well as identifying boats potentially transporting asylum...
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