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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hong Kong Protesters ­se a Mesh Network to Organise
From ACM News

Hong Kong Protesters ­se a Mesh Network to Organise

Hong Kong's mass protest is networked. Activists are relying on a free app that can send messages without any cellphone connection.

Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes
From ACM News

Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes

Quantum networks are quietly spreading across the world.

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank
From ACM News

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank

Google is building the largest store of knowledge in human history—and it's doing so without any human help.

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US
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Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US

Branden Ghena pulls his car up under a traffic light in a city in Michigan.

Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World
From ACM News

Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World

On 18 July, someone in the Russian government edited Wikipedia.

U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All
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U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All

Want access to the U.S. government's secrets? Talk to the robot.

How Isis Is Winning the Online War For Iraq
From ACM News

How Isis Is Winning the Online War For Iraq

As the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) claimed control of Iraq's biggest oil refinery and akey border crossing between Iraq and Jordan—it lost a key...

Criminal Gang Connections Mapped via Phone Metadata
From ACM TechNews

Criminal Gang Connections Mapped via Phone Metadata

Software has been used to tap metadata from phones to map links between a criminal network in Sicily. 

Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades
From ACM News

Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades

Welcome to the room where time lives. I am standing in a space bristling with atomic clocks at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, U.K., which generates...

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived
From ACM News

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived

Will my baby be healthy?

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies
From ACM News

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies

Lawyers and judges use skill and instinct to sense who might be lying in court.

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People
From ACM News

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People

Cameras are strewn around our environment, catching glimpses of our faces everywhere we go, yet even the best facial recognition technology still has a hard time...

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet
From ACM Opinion

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet

Internet security relies on the fact that our computers can't break its cryptosystems. But the quantum algorithm you devised has the potential to do just that.

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes

How has the definition of life changed during your lifetime?

Silk Road Bust Hints at Fbi's New Cybercrime Powers
From ACM News

Silk Road Bust Hints at Fbi's New Cybercrime Powers

The biggest drug marketplace on the Internet has been busted.

Matchstick-Sized Sensor Can Record Your Private Chats
From ACM News

Matchstick-Sized Sensor Can Record Your Private Chats

Everyone knows that to have a private chat in the NSA era, you go outdoors.

Submarine Internet Cables Are a Gift For Spooks
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Submarine Internet Cables Are a Gift For Spooks

It's a golden age for spying. The subsea fibre-optic cables that carry telephone and Internet traffic are a technological marvel—and a gift to intelligence agencies...

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks
From ACM News

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks

Every year a computer worm emerges to stalk the Internet, each one seemingly bigger and badder than the last (see diagram).

Warning, Speedsters: You Can't Fool Quantum Radar
From ACM News

Warning, Speedsters: You Can't Fool Quantum Radar

Is it a bird, a plane, or a speeding car?

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...
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