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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Vibrations From a Smartphone Can Help Spot Unsafe Drinking Water
From ACM TechNews

Vibrations From a Smartphone Can Help Spot Unsafe Drinking Water

Vibrations from a smartphone's ringtone can be used to measure a liquid's viscosity, according to researchers at China's Shenzhen University.

Bitcoin Mining Emissions in China Will Hit 130 Million Tons by 2024
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Mining Emissions in China Will Hit 130 Million Tons by 2024

Researchers at China's Tsinghua University predicted Chinese bitcoin mining will emit roughly 130 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere by 2024.

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor
From ACM TechNews

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor

A human brain organoid was cultured in a week in a three-dimensionally-printed microfluidic bioreactor.

Robot Lizard Can Quickly Climb a Wall, Just Like the Real Thing
From ACM TechNews

Robot Lizard Can Quickly Climb a Wall, Just Like the Real Thing

A robot built by researchers at Australia's University of the Sunshine Coast has legs and feet programmed to mimic the gait of climbing lizards.

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand

Tetsuya Ogata and colleagues at Japan's Waseda University have taught an artificial intelligence-powered robot to tie knots around a box using just two fingers...

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease
From ACM TechNews

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease

Northwestern University researchers used artificial intelligence to assess pain levels in patients with sickle cell disease, based on their vital signs.

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall
From ACM TechNews

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall

U.K. researchers found that automation pushed up all wages on average, but widened the gender pay gap.

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets

Researchers at U.K. startup Kagenova have developed a system that can reduce nausea or cybersickness induced by virtual reality.

Fire Safety App Simulates Wildfires, Shows Route to Avoid Them
From ACM TechNews

Fire Safety App Simulates Wildfires, Shows Route to Avoid Them

Researchers have built a mobile wildfire simulation application that provides personalized evacuation routes to anyone in the path of a fire.

A Quantum Trick with Photons Gives ML a Speed Boost
From ACM TechNews

A Quantum Trick with Photons Gives ML a Speed Boost

Researchers at Austria's University of Vienna have accelerated machine learning using a quantum trick involving photons.

Eagle-Inspired Robot Flies by Flapping Its Feather-Covered Wings
From ACM TechNews

Eagle-Inspired Robot Flies by Flapping Its Feather-Covered Wings

Researchers in China were inspired by a golden eagle to build a robotic bird with flapping wings covered in actual feathers.

Magnetic Boost Helps to Squeeze More Data Onto Computer Hard Disks
From ACM TechNews

Magnetic Boost Helps to Squeeze More Data Onto Computer Hard Disks

A short-term technology may help clear a path toward next-generation computer hard disks by utilizing microwaves with existing platter material.

Submersible Soft Robot Survives Pressure of Mariana Trench
From ACM TechNews

Submersible Soft Robot Survives Pressure of Mariana Trench

A silicone rubber submersible robot engineered by researchers at China's Zhejiang University successfully withstood the immense pressures in the Mariana trench....

AI Smashes Videogame High Scores by Remembering Its Past Success
From ACM TechNews

AI Smashes Videogame High Scores by Remembering Its Past Success

Artificial intelligence has achieved record high scores on videogames played on classic Atari consoles, by recalling previous successes.

Google Uses Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable to Detect Earthquakes
From ACM TechNews

Google Uses Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable to Detect Earthquakes

A submarine fiber-optic cable owned by Google was used by researchers to detect earthquakes and ocean waves generated by storms.

Sharing Your Route in Advance Could Cut Electric Car Charging Queue
From ACM TechNews

Sharing Your Route in Advance Could Cut Electric Car Charging Queue

Researchers have developed a computer model that could reduce wait times for charging electric cars by using information about each vehicle’s planned journey.

AI Can Use the Veins on Your Hand Like Fingerprints to Identify You
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Use the Veins on Your Hand Like Fingerprints to Identify You

Researchers at the University of New South Wales trained a neural network to identify individuals using the unique pattern of veins on the back of their hands. ...

Robot Can Understand What a Hug Is
From ACM TechNews

Robot Can Understand What a Hug Is

A prototype soft robot developed by researchers at Cornell University is imbued with sensory perception.

Flying Robots Suggest Bees Can't Rely on Instinct to Land on Flowers
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robots Suggest Bees Can't Rely on Instinct to Land on Flowers

Researchers used small drones to study how bees land on a flower.

AI Art Critic Can Predict Which Emotions a Painting Will Evoke
From ACM TechNews

AI Art Critic Can Predict Which Emotions a Painting Will Evoke

Stanford University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence-based art critic that can predict emotional reactions to famous paintings, and even provide...
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