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subjectComputer Applications
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Toughest Known Structure Discovered by Autonomous Robot Lab
From ACM TechNews

Toughest Known Structure Discovered by Autonomous Robot Lab

The Bayesian experimental autonomous researcher robotics laboratory at Canada's University of Toronto has discovered the most energy-absorbent mechanical structure...

AI Can Spot Early Signs of a Tsunami from Atmospheric Shock Waves
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Spot Early Signs of a Tsunami from Atmospheric Shock Waves

Researchers found that off-the-shelf artificial intelligence (AI) models can detect the early signs of a tsunami in two-dimensional (2D) images from GPS satellites...

Making Your Phone Screen Blurry Could Stop Snooping
From ACM TechNews

Making Your Phone Screen Blurry Could Stop Snooping

A new system can blur smartphone screens to prevent snooping.

Driverless Cars May Struggle to Spot Children, Dark-Skinned People
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars May Struggle to Spot Children, Dark-Skinned People

Scientists evaluated eight artificial intelligence-based pedestrian detectors used in driverless car research, and found they may have difficulty detecting children...

From Time Crystals to Wormholes: When Is a Quantum Simulation Real?
From ACM News

From Time Crystals to Wormholes: When Is a Quantum Simulation Real?

Physicists are using quantum computers to conjure exotic phenomena and claiming their creations are truly real.

Superconductor Claims Could Lead to Progress, Even If They're Wrong
From ACM News

Superconductor Claims Could Lead to Progress, Even If They're Wrong

Experts are right to be wary of claims that a room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor has been found, but the flurry of new research to confirm the finding...

Robot Injects Drugs into Back of Eyeball More Accurately Than Surgeons
From ACM TechNews

Robot Injects Drugs into Back of Eyeball More Accurately Than Surgeons

The Steady Hand Eye Robot can inject drugs into the back of the eyeball faster and more accurately than surgeons to treat retinal vein occlusion, according to Johns...

Male Flies Are Better at Mating After Fighting Off Robotic Rival
From ACM TechNews

Male Flies Are Better at Mating After Fighting Off Robotic Rival

Scientists found laboratory-reared male fruit flies appear to become more adept at mating after engaging with robotic replicas of rival males.

Robot Grows Plants as Well as Humans, but Uses Less Water
From ACM TechNews

Robot Grows Plants as Well as Humans, but Uses Less Water

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, developed a robot gardener that can grow plants as capably as humans, while saving more water.

Sound-Based Quantum Computers Could Be Built Using Chip-Sized Device
From ACM TechNews

Sound-Based Quantum Computers Could Be Built Using Chip-Sized Device

University of Chicago researchers have confirmed the feasibility of building sound-based quantum computers.

Ethereum Closes Security Hole with Energy-Saving Update
From ACM TechNews

Ethereum Closes Security Hole with Energy-Saving Update

An update rolled out by the Ethereum cryptocurrency reduced the energy needed to produce it, and also fixed a security flaw.

Software Update for World's Wind Farms Could Power Millions More Homes
From ACM TechNews

Software Update for World's Wind Farms Could Power Millions More Homes

A software upgrade developed by researchers at France's Polytechnic Institute of Paris improves the efficiency of wind turbines by ensuring they spend more time...

Centipede Robots with More Legs Better at Walking Over Bumps
From ACM TechNews

Centipede Robots with More Legs Better at Walking Over Bumps

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that multi-legged robots with more legs were better at navigating rough terrain than those with fewer legs...

Smart Glasses Dim Bright Objects
From ACM TechNews

Smart Glasses Dim Bright Objects

Camera- and liquid-crystal display-equipped smart glasses can "balance" a scene by dimming bright objects without affecting dim ones.

Shapes 3D-Printed into Living Worms Could Be Future of Brain Implants
From ACM TechNews

Shapes 3D-Printed into Living Worms Could Be Future of Brain Implants

A technique developed by researchers at the U.K.'s Lancaster University can print conductive circuits inside living organisms using a photonic three-dimensional...

Venus Flytrap Cyborg Snaps Shut with Smartphone Commands
From ACM TechNews

Venus Flytrap Cyborg Snaps Shut with Smartphone Commands

Wenlong Li and colleagues at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University have transformed Venus flytraps into biological robots.

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use

Researchers have developed a method for certifying that quantum computers generate truly random numbers without having to inspect the process.

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls

Frederike Dümbgen and colleagues have equipped a flying robot to use bat-like echolocation to map its surroundings using a simple microphone and speaker.

Noisy Flashing Drone Could Stop Bats Crashing into Wind Turbines
From ACM TechNews

Noisy Flashing Drone Could Stop Bats Crashing into Wind Turbines

Yuval Werber and colleagues at Israel's University of Haifa invented a drone that makes noise and flashes lights to prevent bats from colliding with turbine blades...

Online Advertising Estimated to Use as Much Energy as a Small Country
From ACM TechNews

Online Advertising Estimated to Use as Much Energy as a Small Country

Researchers have developed a system that can calculate energy consumption related to online advertising.
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