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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorPaul Hyman

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Physicians See Mobile Phones as Tools to Aid Non-Compliant Patients
From ACM News

Physicians See Mobile Phones as Tools to Aid Non-Compliant Patients

Researchers are using smartphones and other technologies to remind patients to take medication, exercise, and to positively influence their compliance with treatment...

Videogame Glitches Open the World of Computing to Students
From ACM News

Videogame Glitches Open the World of Computing to Students

Why is the National Science Foundation helping Morehouse College pay students to test videogames? The school's Glitch Game Testers program is one of many NSF efforts...

Netbook Apps Demand Dedicated Development Techniques
From ACM News

Netbook Apps Demand Dedicated Development Techniques

Netbooks have grown in popularity and with them a demand for software. But developers who assume there's no need to create applications differently when they enter...
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