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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorPaul Hyman

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News


It is taking Americans a bit longer than the rest of the world to catch on to the idea of “mobile wallets.”   

A Workshop Revival
From Communications of the ACM

A Workshop Revival

The success of Germany's Dagstuhl Seminars has inspired a proliferation of Dagstuhl-like venues, especially in India.

Mobile Apps Reach Internet Tipping Point
From ACM News

Mobile Apps Reach Internet Tipping Point

June 2011 appears to be the first time people in the U.S. spent more time online with apps than with the Web. 

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 2
From ACM News

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 2

Many people don't realize that most of the censorship and surveillance in China is not being done by the government, but by companies at the behest of the government...

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 1
From ACM News

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 1

Rebecca MacKinnon shares insights about Internet freedom, including the roles and responsibilities of citizens, corporations, and governments.  

Parkagent Seeks to Reduce Urban Traffic Congestion
From ACM News

Parkagent Seeks to Reduce Urban Traffic Congestion

Researchers in Israel and the Netherlands have teamed up to create PARKAGENT, a spatially explicit agent-based software model designed to assess and optimize urban...

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!
From Communications of the ACM

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!

Stanford University's experiment with online classes could help transform computer science education.

Google's Mind the Gap! Program Interests Women in CS
From ACM News

Google's Mind the Gap! Program Interests Women in CS

Two-hour sessions with female Google software engineers are convincing many female high-school students in Israel to change their majors to computer science and...

Researchers ­se Social Bots To Expand Twitter Networks and Influence People
From ACM News

Researchers ­se Social Bots To Expand Twitter Networks and Influence People

That next tweet you receive on Twitter may not be from a person but from a social bot, a tiny program designed to mimic real users and influence their behavior. ...

Will Tablets Replace Laptops?
From ACM News

Will Tablets Replace Laptops?

Tablets like the iPad 2 are hot … and apparently so hot that 46% of respondents believe they will eventually eliminate the need for laptop computers, according...

What Fueled Twitter's Success?
From ACM News

What Fueled Twitter's Success?

Innovators anxious to see their software products go viral might want to take a close look at how Twitter—which is said to have more than 300 million users worldwide—accomplished...

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011
From Communications of the ACM

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011

Winner of the 1971 A.M. Turing Award, John McCarthy was a founder of artificial intelligence and inventor of the Lisp programming language.

The Perfect Software Tester?
From ACM News

The Perfect Software Tester?

As Aspiritech and other companies are discovering, autistic individuals possess certain unique skills that make them ideal as software testers.

10 Unique Projects For Csedweek 2011
From ACM News

10 Unique Projects For Csedweek 2011

Last year, CSEdWeek featured more than 300 events and projects engaging students, parents, and teachers. This year, we are highlighting 10 CSEdWeek activities that...

Community Colleges Boost CS & STEM Research
From ACM News

Community Colleges Boost CS & STEM Research

Statistics and anecdotal evidence confirm that efforts to increase computer science and STEM research opportunities at community colleges are making headway.

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011
From Communications of the ACM

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011

 Colleagues recall the creator of C and codeveloper Unix, an unassuming but brilliant man who enjoyed playing practical jokes on his coworkers.

Data Mining ­ncovers New Connections Between Health Problems
From ACM News

Data Mining ­ncovers New Connections Between Health Problems

Researchers in Denmark are using data mining techniques to uncover new connections between health problems as seemingly unrelated as migraines and hair loss.

Kinect Assists At-Risk Older Adults
From ACM News

Kinect Assists At-Risk Older Adults

Kinect and other computer technology, like Doppler radar, are being used to detect the early onset of illness and the risk of falling in older adults.

Trust Develops 'science Base' For Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Trust Develops 'science Base' For Cybersecurity

University of California, Berkeley's TRUST is developing a cybersecurity "science base"– a principled approach to developing trustworthy systems in which security...

Researchers Find Tipping Point to Sway Public Opinion
From ACM News

Researchers Find Tipping Point to Sway Public Opinion

If 10% of a social network is strongly committed to an opinion, that’s enough to rapidly convert the uncommitted 90% to adopt their point of view, according to...
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